5 People Share Horrifying Story Of Struck By Lightning

By: Sandeep Gupta Mon, 04 Dec 2017 2:34:57

5 People Share Horrifying Story of Struck by Lightning

In our childhood, we studies Light travels faster than sound and light is the unstoppable force that realy do some serious damage. All over the world electrical storm strikes the Earth’s surface times 100 times at any given second, yet amazingly 9 out of 10 people survive being hit by the bolts of fury.

* Winston Kemp

24-year-old Winston Kemp ran out into a storm one afternoon. Lightning struck his neighbor’s backyard sending electricity into Kemp’s arms. Noticing nothing more than a sore arm, he came back inside like nothing was wrong. Around an hour later a red scar developed on the arm and shape of a fractal branch like structure, known to the physicists as Lichtenberg figures. This painfully beautiful patterns have appeared on a number of lightning survivors and as a result of ruptured blood capillaries in the path of the current.

* Steve Marshburn

In 1969, he was working inside a bank at a tellers window when lightning struck the tellers intercom sending a surge of current down Marshburn back. The lightning caused serious damage to his spine and brain, exiting his hand via metal stamps he’s been holding. The lack of research and support for those who suffered strikes led to Marshburn setting up a “Lightning Strike and Electric Shock Survivors International Group”.

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* Harold Deal

Deal was also struck in 1969 while walking to his front door he was blasted out of his boots and onto the ground. It took seven hours for his sight and senses to return to him, but he was left unable to walk. After surgery he’ll eventually got back on his feet, but the lightning strike had left him with a curious ability, he was impervious to feeling the cold. Deal’s photos of himself running shirtless through the snow at negative 45 degrees and sitting in ice bath. Doctors are unable to explain the phenomenon although steel is no doubt happy to be saving money on its heating bill.

* Melvin Roberts

While Roy Sullivan may hold the official record with seven strikes, another East Coast man has supposedly topped it. Melvin Roberts from South Carolina claims to have been struck eleven times in 12 years while mowing his lawn, driving a bulldozer or just standing outside his house. He has extensive medical records, burn marks, exit wounds and brain damage to back up his story. He even has a box of broken watches showing the exact time of the strikes. But unfortunately the Guinness Book of Records says there isn’t quite enough evidence of the strikes for them to give him the record.

* Jim Caviezel

Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of the Christ stirred up controversy worldwide even before it was released. This was not helped when Jim Caviezel the actor playing Jesus Christ, but hit by a bolt of lightning during filming. Caviezel a devout Catholic said fire flashed from both sides of his head during the Sermon on the mountain scene. Director Mel Gibson quickly called in the stylist to sort out the hair of a now rather Messier. Messiah wasn’t the only one to suffer the wrath of God during the film’s production, the assistant director was also hit twice during filming.

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