20 Foods That Will Help You Prevent Cancer Naturally

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Tue, 21 July 2020 5:51:33

20 Foods That Will Help You Prevent Cancer Naturally

How to Prevent Cancers ? all around the world will ask this question from know internet ? critical for himself, family, and lovely one. We bet that everyone of you want to stay healthy during the entire time of our life. But, there is no doubt that various of hazardous diseases could attack you at any time, including the cancer. So, the cancer wouldn’t develop in just one night.

Cancer could develop when you have the unhealthy habits that accumulated for years. Well, you might wonder how to keep yourself stay away from the cancer. In the article below, you will find tons of way that you should do to protect yourself from cancer.

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* Optimize the Vitamin D

The first thing that you should do whenever you want to prevent yourself from cancer is that you need to spend more time in the outside of your house, especially in the morning between 6 am until 9 am. The sunlight that comes from the sun during that period of time would be the perfect source of the Vitamin D for your body. In fact, many studies in about 100 countries evidence that the higher the solar UVB, the lower the incidence of 15 different types of cancer.

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* Don’t Eat too Much Protein

The next thing that you should do to prevent yourself from cancer is avoids the excessive consumption of protein. You might think that the protein will bring a lot of greatness in your body and that statement isn’t wrong at all. Unless you’re getting pregnant or the professional athletes, just try to reduce your levels of protein to one gram per kilogram so that you wouldn’t gain some weight and obesity since the high protein foods, especially that comes from the animal, contain a lot of fats too which will lead to various types of cancer.

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* Don’t Use the Non-Stick Cookware

The other thing that you should do to prevent yourself from the cancer is that you need to stop using the non-stick cookware. Most of the items of cookware that you could find in the supermarket have the non-stick material which will prevent the clothing of the stain or grease foods.

While these non-stick materials could help you to ease the waste of the foods after you’re cooking, but the cookware that have non-stick material commonly also contain some type of fluoride-impregnated that you need to avoid. The researchers claimed that those toxins could accumulate in the blood and will lead you to the chronic disease like cancer.

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* Don’t Use Your Microwave too Much

The important ways to prevent cancer is not use microwave too often. The next thing that you should do to prevent yourself from the cancer is that you need to limit the use of the microwave. So, if you’re the type of person who loves to microwave your food in a plastic container, well you need to reduce that habits since it can speed up the forming of potentially cancer-chemicals into your food. Furthermore, microwaving could also create the new compounds that can’t be found in the nature, which potentially will increase your chance of having the cancers.

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* Eat More Garlic

The next thing that you should need if you want to avoid yourself from the cancer is that you need to eat more garlic. So, the question is why you need to eat more garlic? Some studies indicate that the people who consume more garlic are less likely to develop various kinds of cancer, especially the stomach and colon cancer. The garlic could prevent you from cancer in 2 ways: garlic will inhibit the development of cancer-causing substances and also garlic will inhibit the cancer cells from multiplying.

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* Eat More Berries

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from cancer is that you need to consume berries in a sufficient amount. So, why consuming berries could prevent you from the cancer? Some studies indicate that the juicy contents in the berries are truly beneficial to fight against cancer. Berries are also widely known as the perfect source of powerful antioxidants, which means that the berries could fight against the harmful free radicals and inhibit the growth of cancer. So, you could either add some blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, or other berries in your diet.

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* Eat More Tomatoes

The next thing that you should do to prevent yourself from the cancer is that you need to eat more tomatoes. Some studies indicate that eating more tomatoes could protect you from prostate cancers. The tomatoes turns out to be a very good source to protect your DNA cells from cancer because tomatoes contain high amount of antioxidants called lycopene. The antioxidants called lycopene will be a very good compound to fight against various types of cancer.

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* Eat More Cruciferous Vegetables

The other foods that you need to consume if you want to protect yourself from the cancer disease are cruciferous vegetables. The vegetables that classified as cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, and also cauliflowers. Same as tomatoes, the compounds that contained in these vegetables could protect your DNA cells from various types of cancer because these vegetables also contain powerful antioxidants. These vegetables will also protect your body from the cancer-causing chemicals by inhibit the growth of tumor and stimulate the cancer cells to die.

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* Steam Your Cruciferous Vegetables

Aside from eating more cruciferous vegetables, you also need to consider to the way you cook these vegetables. When you want to protect yourself from the cancer, you need to consider to steam those types of vegetables rather than boil them, fried them, or microwave them. In fact, according to the study conducted in Italy found that the steamed broccoli contains more glucosinolate compared with the other way of cooking. Aside from that, steaming is the best way to cook these vegetables since steaming could protect the most of the nutrients that contained in the foods than the other way of cooking.

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* Drink More Green Tea

One of best ways to prevent cancer is drink green tea. When you want to stay away from cancer, indeed you need som healthy beverages that will keep you safe from that hazardous disease. One of the most powerful beverage to protect you from the cancer is green tea, without a doubt. There is no secret that the green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins.

Some studies indicate that the catechins would be very beneficial to protect you from various types of cancer because catechins could shrink the size of tumor and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In fact, the amount of catechins that contained in green tea is more superior compared than any other tea.

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* Eat More Whole Grains

Another top foods that will be very beneficial to prevent you from the cancer is the whole grains. The whole grains like oatmeal, pasta, or whole wheat bread might lower the risk of you having the colon cancer because these whole grains contain high amount of antioxidant too, according to American Institute of Cancer Research. In fact, there are some research too that conducted on nearly half million people that show the sufficient amount of whole grains could protect you from cancer.

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* Eat More Resistant Starches

The next foods that you need to consume when you want to protect yourself from the cancer is the food that labelled as the resistant starches such as bananas, oats, and white beans since these types of food could be very beneficial to protect you from the colon cancer. In the matter of fact, according to the journal of Cancer Prevention research, adding at least 40 grams of resistant starches food while eating the red meat could bring the cell proliferation levels went back to the normal since the increase of cell proliferation levels could lead you to the colorectal cancer.

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* Use More Turmeric on Your Foods

The other potent recipe that you need to add in the food to protect you from the cancer is turmeric. So, turmeric is the oarnge colored spice from India which is widely known for its anti-cancer properties. Although this spice is come from India, but nowadays you could find it in many groceries in your home country. According to the American Cancer Society, the turmeric contains an ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin, just like the catechins in the green tea, would protect you from the cancer by inhibiting the growth of the cancer cells and also it will shrink the size of tumors.

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* Eat More Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

The other food that you need to consume more to ensure so that you could protect from the cancer is the dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce. These vegetables would protect you from cancer because of the powerful antioxidants called beta-carotene and lutein that contained in these vegetables. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the beta-carotene and lutein antioxidants that contained in these vegetables would be very beneficial to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

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* Eat More Artichokes

The other vegetables that you need to consume regularly as soon as possible to prevent you from the cancer is artichoke. So, just like any other vegetables, the artichoke contains high amount of powerful antioxidants too. Artichokes contain high amount of antioxidants called silymarin which is believed to be very beneficial to protect you from the skin cancer by slowing down the growth of the cancer cells. So, for everyone of you who still unfamiliar with artichokes, you need to give it a try so that it will maintain your healthy skin.

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* Eat More Grapes

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from the cancer is eating more grapes. As most of the fruits and vegetables, grapes also contain high amounts of powerful antioxidants called resveratrol. In fact, these antioxidants could protect you from the cancer by inhibiting the cancer cells to spread in your body. According to the National Cancer Institute, resveratrol could be very beneficial too to protect you from the cancer cells at the very beginning so that you will be free from cancer in the entire life.

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* Consume Wine and Beer Wisely

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from the cancer is that you need to consume the wine and beer wisely. In fact, the right amount of wine and beer consumption would protect you from cancer since these beverages could kill the bacterium Helicobacter pylory, which is widely known to cause gastric ulcers and stomach cancer. But you need to remember that you’re not allowed to consume it more than 2 glasses per day since these beverages could lead you to the mouth, throat, esophageal, liver, and breast cancer.

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* Eat More Beans

The other foods that you need to consume to protect yourself from cancer is bean. Aside from other vegetables and fruits, beans like pinto bean and red kidney beans are commonly contained a high amount of powerful antioxidant too. Also, these beans contains a great source of dietary fibers. According to the American Cancer Society, various types of bean that contain great amounts of dietary fibers will help you to reduce the risk of having the cancer disease.

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* Eat More Nuts

The other foods that pretty similar with the beans that could be very beneficial to protect you from the cancer disease is nut. Most of the nuts contain a high amount of selenium. The selenium mineral will kill the cancer cells and also will repair the damage DNA cells. In the matter of fact, the study conducted at Cornell University and the University of Arizona showed that at least 200 micrograms of selenium per day resulted in 63 percent lower of prostate tumors, 58 percent lower of colorectal cancers, and a 39 percent of the overall decrease of the death caused by cancer.

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* Make the Anti-Cancer Food

The next thing that you should do to protect yourself from the cancer, especially after you’ve already known the types of foods that will be beneficial to protect you from cancer, is to combine those foods into the healthy meal based on your own creativity. The combination of the vegetables that already mentioned above alongside with various fruits would be the perfect dinner or breakfast fro you to start your healthy life and thus, you could experience the better fitness to do many things in your entire life.

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