Beautiful hands hold the admiring attention of people wherever you go, well cared for nails and hands create an impression of smartness. Hands can only look beautiful if you have well groomed nails, you have to give only a little car and attention to your nails per day to make them look nice.
Below are given some useful tips-
Nail DietVitamins and minerals are a very important fact of your nail regimen. To have beautiful nails they have to be imbibed both internally and externally. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Calcium & Iron are most useful ingredients for nail`s care.To maintain healthy and beautiful nails, besides giving them regular manicure and massaging them every night with warm olive oil, try to eat more of onions and broccoli which are rich sources of minerals like zinc, silicon & biotin.
Nail ShapesThere are different types of nail shapes you can choose from. When you do a manicure you can choose from square, oval, round and almond shapes depending on your nails, whichever is best suited will give your hands a beautiful look. If you have fingers that are plump then you can go in for a square shape for your nails during manicure-It will suit them the best. If you have the round shape to make your hands look more attractive.
Learn to Paint Your NailsYour Nail deserve a weekly manicure to keep them in a good and a healthy condition. For doin this remove your old nail polish one day in advance with a good nail polish remover to give your nails the chance to breath and get all the benefits of the sun and the air. Next day, before applying the nail polish, place your hands firmly on a hard surface or a table and apply a very thin layer of nail polish, stroke the brush down the middle, base to tip on the sides. Stop, and dry and then apply a second thin coat and wait till it dries up. Finally apply a thin coat & leave it to dry.