Kitchen Gardening refers to the growing of vegetable crops in the residential houses to meet the requirements of the family all year round. Kitchen gardening aims at an efficient and effective use of land for growing essential vegetables for daily use of a family. It plays a important part by contributing in family health.
Benefits of Kitchen Garden-
The benefits and joy of growing your own vegetables is immense as discussed below-
1. Growing vegetables and looking after the kitchen garden is a good hobby.
2. Different activities are involved in kitchen gardening. It provide good physical exercise.
3. Fresh vegetables as and when required are available for use.
4. Clean and hygienic vegetables especially leafy vegetables like coriander & spinach can be obtained.
5. Children can be involved with the concept of ``work with play`` and the feeling of sensitivity towards plants can be developed in childhood.
6. Growing and eating vegetables grown by one is a highly satisfying experience.
7. One can reap the benefits of organic vegetables grown by one is a highly satisfying experience.
8. Better utilization of home waste and land.
Cropping arrangement in Kitchen Garden
A set of Cropping pattern is given below-
1. A Separate plot on one side of the kitchen garden can be demarcated and some quick growing fruits trees like drumstick, banana, papaya & guava etc can be planted.
2. Ridges should be utilized by growing root crops like carrot, beet and radish. Climbing vegetables crops like bean and pumpkin, bottle gourd etc. may be planted near the fences of the garden.
3. Chilli, ginger, turmeric & coriander etc. can be grown as intercrop in the perennial block.