Caring your face to hide the ageing lines but neglecting your hands is the biggest blunder you can make because neglected hands can easily give away your age.
Beautiful hands come with regular care. Treat your hands the way you treat your face. Young and pretty hands can be achieved by following these simple tips. Wear gloves to save your hands from taking a beating with household chores. Apply sunscreen half an hour before stepping out in the sun.
Handy Treat - Give your hands the same importance as your face. Manicure by a good professional once a month to keep your hands beautiful. Your hands will thank you for the special attention.
Home Remedies for Beautiful Hands
1. Take one tablespoon butter and ½ tablespoon sugar and massage your hands with this mixture till the sugar dissolves. Wash off and admire your hands.
2. Massage your hands with sugar, Olive Oil & Lemon juice once a week. Continue massaging till the sugar dissolves. Wash off and feel the differences. This mixture not only clean the skin and make your skin soft.
3. Warm a little coconut oil and apply on hands and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash off. Coconut oil will make your skin firm.
4. Take two teaspoons milk powder and honey. Mix them well and massage on the hands. Leave it for 5-10 minutes. Wash off. Milk powder will make the skin soft and honey will give a wonderful glow to your hands.
Younger youthful hands can add charm to your appearance. Before it is too late pay attention to your hands.