Is that bar of chocolate really necessary right after dinner? What about that second glass of wine? If going to the gym and exercising is not the first point on your list, you better consider not eating anything unhealthy. Here are some small changes from your daily life routine which will definitely impact your health positively.
Interval cardio workouts

Walking on the treadmill and reading a book is just not enough. Exert yourself while you sweat it out to burn all that stress. Start with 10 minutes till you can increase it to 30 minutes. According to Shape magazine, interval training targets the waistline and increased bursts of speed help you lose stubborn abdominal fat.
Eat real foods

Choose fresh produce over boxed and processed foods. Your body knows how to digest them quick and easy and they don`t build up in your body as toxins.
Wake up with a cup of warm water and lemon

Lemon has antibacterial properties. Therefore, warm water infused with it helps flush out toxins that entered the body the day before.
Don`t skip breakfast
Breakfast first thing in the morning kicks your body metabolism into motion.
Portion control
Take moderate portions of food on your plate and stick to it. Do not go back for seconds and thirds.
Choose fish instead of red meat
Red meat might cause heart disease, and if it has added hormones it could cause type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and breast cancer. Replace this with fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, ability to reduce the signs of aging and weight loss properties.
Skip the soft drinks
The amount of sugar added in soft drinks and sodas is just insane. As part a mine can be lethal by causing seizures and emotional disorders. Replace this with fresh juices that contain natural sugars from fruits and vegetables.