We face many problems in our day to day life. Not all problems can be solved just by discussion, yet some need astrological ways too. Here are few easy remedies to get rid of those problems.
* Many dogs (usually stray ones) run after or bark at some people/children, this is due to their Shani and Ketu being negative. Such people should tie 7 knots in a black thread and wear that either around their knee or their ankle. If the dog still runs after/barks at them, they should not run or hit it, but just stand there with their fists closed and their teeth clenched.
* Are you afraid of some unknown fear, then start taking some ashwagandh morning and evening - just let it melt in your mouth on its own slowly. Wearing the root of the ashwagandh in a gray colored thread around the neck will also prove helpful. It will reduce the baseless anxiety/fear caused by Ketu.
* If your extended family members are not happy with you, then take some rice, supari, white flowers, and some sweets for them when you go to their home for a visit.
* If you suffer from anxiety during your exams, ask your mother to put a silver chain around your neck on a Monday. It wil help you feel more calm and help you remember and express more of what you had studied.
* To get rid of debt and get wealthy do this chant Govvalbhaya Svaha - when you complete 150 thousand chants, then you will see changes in your financial situation.