5 Astrology Tips to Gain Good Health

Every person wants a healthy and happy life at home as well as at work. ‘Health is wealth’ is one of the most common things one gets to hear. If you are eating junk food or staying up late or working long hours, this is a common phrase thrown at you. However, it is true, without good health, everything is redundant. Our health also depends on the environment we live in or the atmosphere at our home or workplace. Herea are few simple that would help you get a healthy life.

1. When sleeping on the bed, ensure you sleep with your head towards the south. Sleeping on the left side is recommended for people who have Vata and Kapha constitutions and for those who have pita, they should sleep on the right side.

2. The centre of the house should be empty or devoid of any heavy furniture. This is because the centre of the home is the Brahmasthan.

3. Overhead beams are used predominantly in houses during construction. But be careful that overhead beams should not run through the centre of the house. Overhead beams can cause a disturbed mind, because they block the positive communication with your mind.

4. Light a candle every day in the fire zone, i.e. the southeast direction in the house. Candles are the most beautiful way of illumination.

5. The wall surrounding the house boundary and gate should be of the same height. Grow citrus fruits or plants on the sides of the gate. This promotes good health.
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