Serpentes are worshiped on the day of Nagapanchami. But why is this worship done? Indeed, many stories related to the worship of serpents are heard in different areas. It is said in these stories that the importance of Nagapanchami worship and its origination.
A story in Nagapanchami's many stories is very popular in Andhra Pradesh. At one time a farmer lived with his two sons and a daughter. One day, three children of Nag had died when they came under the solution of the farmer during the plow. On the death of Nag, the serpent started crying and he tried to take revenge on the killers of his children.
At night Nagin dumped both of his boys including the farmer and his wife. The next day, when the serpent again went to dump the daughter of the farmer, the farmer's daughter kept a bowl filled with milk in front of her. And adding a hand to the serpent and asking for forgiveness. The serpent was happy to revive his parents and the brothers.
It is said that on that day Shravan was the fifth day of the month. From that day, serpents are worshiped to avoid the wrath of the serpents, and the festival of Nag-Panchami is celebrated.