Astrology not only predicts about our future but it also to an extent gives remedies to ward off the difficulties and bad luck that is likely to be faced by most of us at some point of life. These are the situations where astrology plays a major role by giving remedies and solutions to intensify our luck and fortune. There are a number of astrological principles available.
1. Horse ShoeWhen a horse shoe is placed at the top right corner of the main door frame at the entrance of a house, then it indicates to inviting good luck to enter the house. When a used horse shoe is kept facing towards the North direction in the upright position be it in any place say an office building or in a house then that is likely to enhance the place by bringing positive spiritual energy. The horse shoe works against the supernatural effects of Saturn or 'Shani Dev'.
2. RudrakshRudraksh is symbol of Lord Shiva, the God of Hindu trinity. There are nearly 38 different types of Rudraksh where the original ones are mainly found in parts of the Himalayas, Indonesia and Malaysia. Rudraksh are said to be very powerful and give us spiritual powers, good health, fame and material happiness. All of us must be aware of the 108 bead rosaries, an ancient Vedic product which is commonly used for chanting mantras. There is also some modern theory which is attached to the number 108. It is calculated to be the distance between the Earth and the Sun which is approximately 108 times the Sun's diameter. The astrologers also came up with the fact that there are 108 steps between our ordinary human awareness and our inner divinity.
3. Butterfly CharmsButterfly is said to be a symbol of freedom and perfection in nature and people not only believe that but also experience that they are omens of good luck and fortune. The fluttering of butterfly in a place results in embodiment of indefinite good fortune and luck. We should be aware of the life cycle of a butterfly for it is not born but only metamorphosised into a perfectly symmetrical creature, thereby signifying ones ill fate which can be transformed into good fortune. The Greeks associate the butterfly with soul and also some ancient Naga tribes of North East India believe that they are descendants of butterflies.
4. Acorn and crystalsAcorn the nut of the oak tree is a symbol of good luck charm according to astrology. Theories have proved that natural crystals are of great astro remedial value which increase the positive spiritual energy of a place.
5. Om and SwastikThe word "Om" is said to have the entire universe in it. It is strongly believed that people who worship this symbol are bestowed with good luck and fortune and thereby spiritual powers too.Swastik is the symbol of the Lord of Good Fortune. In Sanskrit the word "swastika" means purveyor of good fortune. Swastik is said to bring in luck and prosperity. Care should be taken in placing it in the right way for the best results are produced only when it is placed in the clock wise direction.