10 Ways To Treat Tired Looking Eyes

Under eye bags can be caused by hereditary reasons, dry skin, ageing, wrong eating habits like smoking, working on computer for long hours, unhealthy sleeping patterns and stress, be it mental or physical. Under eye bags are certainly not a big skin problem but when they become part of your face, regularly you should consider taking care of them. Here are some tips for getting rid of this eye problem:

* Reduce Salt Consumption to Reduce Tired, Sick Look

The excess salt in your food retains more water in your body which ends up making you feel bloated. Eliminating salt is not easy but reducing its quantity in your daily diet can be done.

* Raw Potato Slices Can Help You

Potato is rich with bleaching agents. Cut raw potato into thick slices and keep it on your eyes for 10 minutes. You can also grate potato and extract its juice. Refrigerate it for a while and apply it on affected area with the help of cotton. Wash off your face in 10-15 minutes. You can also remove dark circles with regular use of potato juice on eyes.

* Cucumber Slices are Best for Eye Care

Cucumber has skin lightening and astringent properties. You can refrigerate sliced cucumber for half an hour and then keep it on your eyes for at least 10 minutes daily. You can also crush cucumber and mix with lemon juice. Dab a cotton ball and apply it to your under eye bags. Keep it on for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

* Tea Bags are Beauty Bags

When it comes to resting your eyes and giving them their beauty bag, nothing comes close to tea bags. Make an herbal tea with many options available in market; chamomile and green tea are the best options. Sip your tea in a serene place and later after chilling use these tea bags on eyes for 15 minutes.

* Almond Oil To Remove Under Eye Bags

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and are age old secret recipe to vanish under eye bags. Regular usage of almond oil on your under eye area before going to bed can eliminate dark circles. You have to apply it for overnight and then wash off your face with cold water in morning.

* Spooning can Get You Rid of Tired Eyes

In case you find it difficult to store tea bags and use them on eyes, you can achieve the same results by using tablespoons. Freeze a couple of spoons overnight and then keep them on your eyes in morning. The coldness supress the under eye bags. Repeat this activity daily for few weeks to see a significant change.

* Dink More Water for Fresh Eyes

Drinking ample quantity of water is important for all bodily functions and works amazingly wonderful for your good looks. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to make sure under eye bags don’t bother you. Drink water at almost every hour.

* Blink your Eyes Regularly

Blinking of eyes is important to maintain hydration in your eyes and to disperse fluids around your eye area. When we sleep heavy or when we sleep less we blink then than normal. Frequent eye bags are tell-tale of tiredness and less sleep. Blinking more is one of the solution to under eye bag problem.

* Tomatoes on Eyes

Drink them or apply them, tomatoes are good for a light glowing complexion. This works on your under eyes bags too. Tomatoes have bleaching and skin lightening properties. Mix tomato juice with lemon and apply this mixture with help of cotton. Sit relaxed for 10 minutes and wash them with cold water. Practice this for couple of weeks, twice a day for the maximum result.

* Milk to Relieve Stress

Dip cotton in a bowl of lukewarm milk and apply to your affected area. Keep it on you for at least 15-20 minutes. This method will help you to relieve stress from your eyes.
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