11 Effective and Natural Ways To Treat Acne

There is a tremendous increase in hormone level during the teenage years. That is why teenagers and young adults tend to have more acne than older adults. There are different contributing factors that cause acne to occur. Lack of sleep, a stressful life, harmful eating habits, and unhealthy lifestyles can lead to having more acne.

Acne can emerge on the chest, back, scalp, and especially on the face. Some common acne cures can be costly. They also have unfavorable side effects like dryness, redness, and irritation. Many people look for a natural home remedy for acne. The following remedies may be useful in treating acne.

# Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree is a native plant from Australia. It has an affable-smelling essential oil which is proven to be effective in treating different skin conditions including acne. It is used as a natural skin toner. Tea tree essential oil is an effective remedy against acne because it can invigorate the immune system.

To use this home remedy, mix a few drops of tea tree oil in coconut oil. This will help to dilute the oil so it does not dry out your skin. Place the mixed oils on your acne spots and let it sit for at least ten minutes. When the time is up, rinse off the mix with cool water. Use this as often as needed to treat your acne.


You should take note that tea tree oil is highly poisonous when ingested.

# Heat Up the Water

When you are washing your face, it is advisable to use warm water. Cold water will close up the pores of your skin. You need to open them so that dirt, oil, and bacteria can easily wash off.

# Meditation Dose

Meditation is helpful in attaining a relax mind and body. It is known that acne tends to come out when you are experiencing stress.

Try to unwind your mind and body for just a few minutes. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and focusing on your breathing as you inhale and exhale deeply.

# Lemon Juice

Consuming lemon juice can help promote a better skin circulation. This is beneficial in getting rid of acne as you gain essential nutrients from it. Lemon juice can be used as a natural sanitizer. It can take away bacteria that cause this unfavorable spots in the skin.

To use this home remedy, begin by washing your face with lukewarm water. Next, get the about two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice by squeezing it into a bowl. It is vital that you have to use the fresh lemons as the commercially prepared ones have preservatives. This can irritate the skin further. Gently rub on the lemon juice on each pimple using a cotton ball or a Q-tip. During the day, you should let the juice on for at least half an hour before rinsing it with cold water. You can leave the juice on overnight. In the morning, rinse it off with cool water.


Remember that before exposing on the sun you have to make sure that the juice is completely rinsed off. Lemon juice is a bleaching agent and affects your skin.

# Right Cleansing Agent

The face is very sensitive; you have to try to get as much as possible a gentle face wash. It is best to use an alcohol-free product to avoid the skin getting more irritated. You can also consult a dermatologist if you are not sure what is best for your skin type.

# Exercise

Physical activities offer many benefits to your well- being. When you exercise regularly you will feel invigorated and also become mentally alert. A walk around the neighborhood or in a park can help in taking away daily stress and relaxes your mind and body.

The skin circulation will improve with exercise and therefore help to control acne. Physical activity can provide essential nutrients to your skin and takes away the toxins on it. To be in good health, medical practitioners recommend 30-60 minutes exercise each day.

It is important to remember to thoroughly wash off sweat and dirt out of your pores after exercising.

# Zinc Aid

To have a healthy cell growth, hormone production, metabolism, and immune function you need this essential nutrient. Zinc is very useful in attaining healthy skin. People with lower levels of zinc in their blood have the tendency for acne. Zinc is one of the most researched natural remedies for acne.

Studies show a considerable decrease of acne using a daily dose of 30-45 mg. of elemental zinc. However, there is no optimal dosage of zinc that has been established. It is important not to use beyond the safe limit of 40mg of zinc daily. There are adverse consequences if taken this supplement more than the recommended dosage.

To take in enough zinc, you can either use zinc supplements or eat foods that are naturally rich in zinc. Some of these foods include pumpkin and sunflower seeds, dark chocolate, whole grain wheat, and garlic.

# Stop Artificial Sugar Use

Consuming too much sugar can increase the amount of oil that your skin produces. As sugar stimulates levels of insulin in the blood, the more you eat the more oily the skin becomes, and the more acne you are likely to have. In particular, soft drinks and junk foods are a culprit for the increase of sugar in your system. Avoid these foods as often as you can.

# Cinnamon Mix

A cinnamon and honey mix is known to have the capacity get rid of bacteria and lessen inflammation. These are two ways that can lead to the elimination of acne spread. Antibacterial properties are richly present in a range of acne treatments and they are also antioxidants.

Vitamin B3 and linoleic as well as (omega-6) fatty acid are found in this remedy. You will also find sodium ascorbyl phosphate in notable quantities and it is a vitamin C derivative. Although these certain antioxidants are not present in cinnamon and honey, they may still have the same effect as other antioxidants.

To use this home remedy, make a paste of one tablespoon each of honey and cinnamon. You should gently put it as a face mask after cleansing the face. Leave it on for about ten to fifteen minutes. Thoroughly wash your mask off and pat dry your face. Do this as often as needed to treat your acne.

# Music Therapy

Try to relax with some soothing music that you enjoy. This activity is useful in having a pleasant mood and takes away your stress. The less stressed you are, the less acne you are likely to have.

# Green Tea

Green tea is well known to be filled with great antioxidants. When you drink this tea you are able to keep up a good health. Green tea contains flavonoids and a good measure of tannins, which are proven to ward off bacteria and lessen inflammation. Bacteria and inflammation of the skin are the two main causes of acne. You can use the tea to apply directly to the spot where the acne is present.

Put a green tea in boiling water and let it stand for three to four minutes. Let the tea to cool down. You can either use a cotton ball to apply the tea to the skin or spritz on from a spray bottle. Let the skin dry naturally before washing off with water. Pat dry the skin. You can also make a mask by mixing the remaining green tea leaves with honey.

Drinking green tea may not have any evidence that it can help in controlling acne. It is still a good idea to consume this tea because some research suggests that it is beneficial in your overall health.
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