Some vegetables we use with peels but we throw some fruits’ peel in dust-bin. After some research it is declared that the peels of fruit are more beneficial than the fruit. Apple, kiwi, cucumber, pumpkin, and lemon etc, the peels of these fruits have so much phytochemicals, which is very important for the resistance power and can make you healthy. The peels of vegetables are rich in insoluble fibers which is good to clean your stomach. But before using these peels clean it and then you can apply it. Here I am going to tell you Why Peel Off Masks Good for Skin Care.
# Banana PeelBanana peel is very protective ingredient for your skin. It is best for oily skin. It decreases the oil and gives fresh look to your skin. It is full of mineral and nutrients so it nourishes your skin with its minerals. Banana peel gives glow and works like scrubber on your skin. It removes all dirt and pollution from your face.
# Orange PeelOrange peel is a great ingredient for your skin. It removes acne and wrinkles. It is rich in anti oxidant and omega-3. It removes dullness and roughness from your skin. It gives an instant glow to your skin. Its smell is divine. It nourishes your skin as well as purify. It works best on your skin with its nutrients. It is awesome peel for rough skin or dry skin.
# Lemon PeelLemon peel is the most refreshing peel in all peels. It gives fresh nourishment to your skin. It removes all the dirt and pollution, blackheads, whiteheads and pimples in a easy way. It also works like vanishing agent for dark spots and under eye circles. It also removes puss from your pimples. It brightens your skin and also smoothens it.
# Papaya PeelPapaya peel is perfect for all skin type. It removes acne, fine lines and wrinkles. It nourishes your skin with its nutrients and fibers. It clears all the dark spots and skin problems and removes sun tan also. It is the best remedy for inflammation of skin cells. If you want to remove all skin problems from your skin and want to make your skin soft and glowing, you must apply papaya peel daily.