4 DIY Ways To Use Onion To get Glowing Skin

Onions are not just a kitchen staple but can also work wonders for your skin. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help to nourish and rejuvenate your skin. The sulfur compounds in onions can also help to boost collagen production, which can lead to firmer and more youthful-looking skin. In this article, we will explore ways to use onion to get glowing skin. From onion juice to onion masks, these remedies are easy to make and can help to improve the texture, tone, and radiance of your skin. So, let's dive in and discover the benefits of onion for achieving a healthy, glowing complexion.

# Anti Acne Skin Care with Onion


Raw Honey
Lemon Juice


This is a wonderful way to use onion for skin care, specially for acne prone skin. Take an onion and cut it in half. Grate them and keep the grated onion in a bowl. In a bowl, take the grated onion and add equal amount of raw honey and fresh lemon juice. Mix the ingredients together and apply the resultant mixture on the acne affected parts of the face. Gently massage for a minute or two and then let it stay for another 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Repeat this anti acne skin care remedy with onion twice or thrice in a week.

# Anti Aging Skin Care with Onion


Onion Juice
Cotton Ball


Cut a fresh medium sized onion in to small pieces. Grate the pieces and extract the juice from the grated onion. You can also blend the onion pieces to get onion juice. Using a cotton ball, apply the onion juice all over the face as well as neck. Let it sit on the face for 15-20 minutes and after that, wash off with plain water. Use this remedy with onion for anti aging skin care twice every week.

# Onion for Skin Care – Glowing Skin


Aloe Vera
Onion Juice


Take a tbsp pure aloe vera gel and add few drops of onion juice to that. Mix together and apply the resultant mixture all over the face and neck and gently massage for 2-3 minutes. Leave it on for another 15-20 minutes before washing off with fresh water. Use this remedy with onion for skin care to get glowing skin every alternate day.

# Onion for Patchy Skin Care


Onion Juice


Cut a fresh medium sized onion in to small pieces and blend the onion pieces to extract onion juice. Take 2 tbsp of uncooked oatmeal and grind it to a fine powder. Take the onion juice and add that to a tbsp of fresh and unflavored yogurt and oatmeal powder. Mix together and apply this face pack on the face as well as neck. Gently massage in circular motion for couple of minutes. Leave it on for another 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with fresh, cool water. Repeat this entire process with onion for patchy skin care 2-3 times in a week.
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