4 Effective Home Remedies for Sensitive Skin

Women who have sensitive skin are often worried about irritation caused due to the use of strong cosmetics or products which have too many chemicals in them. This makes it very difficult for them to take care of their skin and they may resort to natural products instead. Even though home remedies are safer than other chemical-based cosmetics, using harsh ones can lead to potential irritation. We have a list of home-made face packs which are safe to use on sensitive skin. But first, one needs to know if they really have sensitive skin.

# Avoid Harsh Chemicals & Fragrances in Your Skincare Routine

These chemicals can irritate your skin that can lead to all sorts of issues

- Choose organic products with no or minimum chemicals

- Avoid products containing alcohol on your skin

- Choose “Fragrance-Free” products whenever you can.

# Aloe Vera Mask

Aloe Vera has tremendous soothing properties and is your best friend when it comes to inflamed or redness on the skin

- Remove the pulp (jelly-like substance) from the Aloe Vera plant
- Clean it properly under running water and grind it in a mixer for a smooth paste
- Apply that paste all over your face and leave it for 20 mins before washing it off
- This paste can be stored in the fridge for up to 1

# Raw Milk + Potato Face Mask

- Grate a small potato and squeeze out all the juice
- Mix it with about 3-4 spoons of raw milk
- For added benefits – mix a few drops of Almond Oil (optional)
- Apply this mixture to your face and leave it for 15 mins
- Wash it off to get an instant glow.

# Always Wear Sunscreen

Sensitive skin is particularly prone to getting sunburn.

- Apply the sunscreen lotion at least 20 mins prior to leaving home
- Re-Apply every 2-3 hours if you are outdoors for a longer period of time
- Cover your arms and hands with sunscreen as well if you are not covering those areas to sun exposure.
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