Stretch marks are an unavoidable part of many people’s life. Especially if you’re a woman, pregnancy stretch marks are bound to appear. But there are some remedies to help avoid them! Such as taking vitamins proven to prevent stretch marks! That’s what we shall be looking at in this article:
Having a balanced diet is the key to beautiful and healthy skin. Do not miss out on foods that contain the following vitamins, especially if you want to prevent/heal stretch marks! You can also apply vitamin-rich plant butters as explained below, topically on your skin to see results.
# Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a popular vitamin in the beauty world, where it’s also known as tocopherol. It is called the ‘beauty vitamin’ because it promotes healthy and glowing skin. Vitamin E ensures skin is moisturized and supple. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects skin from free radicals that promote premature aging of skin. Vitamin E is known to fade scars and heal blemishes so it prevents and lightens stretch marks, which are a form of scarring. Purchase Vitamin E oil capsules for daily consumption. You can also use Vitamin E Oil topically on the stretch marks! Be sure to dilute it with another oil like rosehip oil (also great for stretch marks) because it’s thick.
# Vitamin AThis vitamin is found in most foods in the form of beta carotene. Beta carotene is a carotenoid (plant compound) that gives foods a yellow, orange or red color. You can already guess some foods rich in beta carotene, can’t you? Yes, carrots are in the list! Vitamin A is necessary for skin renewal and repair. Too little vitamin A causes skin to become dry and dehydrated. A derivative of Vitamin A, tretinoin, can be found in stretch mark creams. But did you know that two of the best all-natural stretch mark cream are shea butter and cocoa butter?! That’s right! So apply shea/cocoa butter on your pregnant belly to prevent stretch marks!
DIY Vitamin A-Rich Stretch Mark Cream: Simply get ½ cup of shea butter and ½ cup of cocoa butter. Now melt them gently in a double boiler over low heat. Once melted, let it cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, then get it out and add 1 tsp of Vitamin E Oil. Now whip the mixture together using a hand mixer to form a white cream which is your stretch mark cream! Apply liberally all over your growing belly at night time.
# Vitamin KVitamin K is a less-known vitamin in the beauty department. Or is it? This vitamin is actually amazing at reducing dark circles & fading spider veins! In the same way, it helps reduce/prevent stretch marks too! Vitamin K enables clotting of blood and speeds up the wound healing process. Eat foods rich in vitamin K to repair skin and speed up healing of stretch marks. By the way, shea butter and cocoa butter, mentioned above also have some vitamin K in them so consider making that DIY stretch mark cream above for great results!
# Vitamin CHave you heard of collagen pills for stretch marks? They’re said to encourage collagen production for healthy smooth and flawless skin. But you know what naturally boosts collagen production? Yup, it’s Vitamin C. This vitamin renews & restores collagen production at the cellular level. So eat foods rich in Vitamin C to encourage the growth of new skin, boost collagen and improve the appearance of early-stage stretch marks. You can ask your doctor for a safe cream containing Vitamin C if you’re interested in using it topically on your skin. However, eating Vitamin C-rich foods also does the job or preventing stretch marks pretty well! You can take Vitamin C supplements to get your daily recommended value of vitamin C.