The root cause of oily hair is sebum that is produced by the sebaceous glands present abundantly on our scalp and face. Sebum is made up of fat and dead cells and its sole purpose it to maintain the moisture balance of skin and hair so that it is not dehydrated or infected by bacteria. But, overproduction of sebum can give a dull, dirty and lifeless appearance to hair and lead to other problems like dandruff, rashes and pimples.
# Hormonal Imbalance:The amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands depends on an individual’s hormones and hormonal imbalance can increase the level of oil secretion in the scalp. This is the reason that there are more breakouts of pimples, acne and dandruff during adolescence, because different types of hormones are at play during this age. Hormonal changes during menstruation or pregnancy also increases sebum secretion and oiliness of hair.
# Stress:The harmful effects of stress on health need no new emphasis but stress in any form- emotional, psychological or physical can boost the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Stress increases the secretion of certain adrenal hormones that directly affect the sebaceous glands located in skin and scalp. This leads to increased oiliness of both skin and scalp.
# Diseases:Certain diseases or health conditions, especially related to the pituitary, adrenal gland and ovaries can increase sebum secretion thus increasing the oiliness of skin and scalp. Medicines and steroids can also boost sebum secretion.
# Food Habits:Unhealthy eating habits and excessive dependence on processed and junk foods can increase oiliness of skin and hair. Have a healthy and well-balanced diet with lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains so that your body is supplied with all the important vitamins, minerals and nutrients for its proper functioning.
# Overuse of Hair Products:
Excessive use of hair products like conditioners and hair masks and styling products like hair mousse, pomade, gels, hair sprays and failing to wash them off thoroughly often leads to increased oiliness, irritation and itchiness of scalp. Therefore, try to decrease the use of these artificial products loaded with chemicals as much as possible.