5 Different Ways To Get Hair Spa Done at Home

Hair spa, in general words, is the therapy that helps in keeping and maintaining the hair in its best form. It is a simple procedure, which when followed correctly, results in shiny, bouncy, healthy and beautiful hair that everyone else will wish for. Hair spa can either be done in the parlour or can be done at home using the natural ingredients. Hair spa is also an effective solution against problems like dandruff, scalp itchiness, scalp dryness, hair damage, etc.

* Olive Oil

Warm olive oil
Bowl of hot water


- Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil

- Take 1 tablespoon of almond oil and coconut oil

- Mix all the three oil together in the mentioned quantities.

- Take the prepared mixture of oils and massage on your scalp

- Keep massaging the scalp and then slowly move to the lower end of your hair

- Leave the oil on your hair for 15 minutes

- Dip the towel in warm water and squeeze the towel for eliminating excess water from it

- Wrap the heated towel around your hair and scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes

- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo

- Apply a good conditioner later.

* Avacado

2 avocados
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of olive oil


- Take the pulp of 2 avocados and mash them up

- Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the mixture

- Mix all the ingredients well so as to get a fine thick mask or paste.

- Untangle your hair so that the paste can be applied easily

- Take the paste and start applying from the roots of the hair

- Move towards the tips and apply a relevant amount of paste on the hair tips

- Leave the mixture for 20-25 minutes

- Wash your hair with cold water using a mild shampoo.

* Eggs

2 eggs
1-2 tablespoon of olive oil
1-2 tablespoon of almond oil
Warm towel


- Take the egg in a bowl and whisk it

- Add the mentioned quantities of olive oil and almond oil in it

- Mix all the ingredients well and make a fine paste to apply.

- Apply the mixture on your scalp

- Leave it for 20-25 minutes or until it completely dries

- Wrap the warm towel around your scalp

- Leave the warm towel for 15-20 minutes

- Wash your hair with cold water

- Apply a good moisturizer.

* Banana

1 ripe banana
1 egg white
2 tablespoon of olive oil
Warm towel


- Peel the banana and take the pulp in a bowl

- Mix the egg white and olive oil in the banana pulp

- Mix and blend all the ingredients properly to make a thick paste.

- Take the mixture and apply it all over the scalp area

- Also, apply the mixture to the lower end of your hair

- Keep this hair mask for 20-30 minutes and let it dry

- Wrap the warm towel around the scalp and leave for around 15 minutes

- Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

* Milk and Honey

1 cup of milk; the amount may vary according to the length of your hair
1-2 tablespoon of honey
Warm towel


- Mix both the ingredients together in the mentioned quantities.

- Apply the mixture of milk and honey on the scalp

- Move slowly from roots of the hair to the lower end of the hair

- Leave the mixture for 15 minutes

- Wrap a warm towel around your hair for getting the best results and leave for 15-20 minutes

- Wash with mild shampoo.
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