5 Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall

Increasing hair fall is a number one health concern for both men and women. Whether it is the hair you lose while shampooing, combing or moisturizing, increasing hair fall can have disastrous consequences. Many people try to stop hair fall by using anti hair loss oils, shampoos, conditioners, hair packs, and other cosmetics. In this blog, we are going to discuss tips for controlling hair fall besides the main reasons why hair fall occurs in the first place.

# Oiling your hair

Using an anti-hair loss oil regularly can help nourish the hair roots and improve blood circulation. You should get your hair massaged with hair oil at least once a week and wash it off with a mild shampoo after 2 hours.

# Shampoo

You got to choose the right shampoo based on your hair type. If needed, take the help of an expert. Your hair scalp type should dictate the frequency of hair washes. If you shampoo your hair too much or too little, this can result in hair loss.

# Use a good conditioner

A conditioner should be applied regularly for your hair’s health. Its amino acids help to repair damaged hair and keep them smooth.

# Chemical treatments

Avoid excessive chemical treatments like colouring, perming, or straightening the hair to ensure there isn’t any kind of permanent damage. You also need to stay clear from using curling rods and blow dryers as they can make your hair brittle in the long run.

# Diet and Exercise

To ensure long and healthy locks, you got to have a balanced diet with ample amounts of iron and protein. Also, make it a point to exercise regularly. In fact, even doing meditation and yoga can help you reduce hair fall.
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