5 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Off Cellulite

Cellulite is forming of lumps under the skin layer which consists of fat. It is commonly seen in men and women, but around 80% of females are affected badly with cellulite. It is mostly seen in thighs, buttocks and thighs, due to uneven distribution of fat in our body and connective tissue. It is in dimple appearance, with orange colored skin layer.

# Dry skin Brush

Brushing on your skin when the skin is dry.

What happens:

The pore of the skin gets opened, helps in blood flow, releases toxins, improves skin cell and helps in skin tightening.

How to do:

Start from down toward heart. Just a slight brushing is enough rather than harsh brushing, which ends with red skin. Just make the long sweeps from feet to the heart, from arm to chest. Do not do anti-clock wise or in opposite direction, there is no use, doing it. Take a brush which have smooth bristles and start brushing for 5 min.

# Coffee cellulite scrub

There are many uses and benefits of coffee to our skin, hair and health. But coffee also made a mark with cellulite. Just give a try as it increases the blood flow in the lymph, tightens the skin


Coffee: ž cup
Coconut oil: 3 tbsp
Sugar: 3 tbsp

How to apply?

- Take a bowl, mix all of them and store in a container
- With firm pressure, massage on the affected areas for 20 min
- Wash off
- Do this at least thrice a week for better results.

# Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper, increases the heat in the body, increases blood circulation, removes the toxins, reduce cellulite appearance.


Cayenne pepper:2 tsp
Ginger: 1 tsp
Lemon : 1

How to prepare?

- Take a glass of warm water
- To it squeeze lemon, grated ginger and cayenne pepper.
- Mix them all and have it.
- Drink this daily at least for 2 months.

# Juniper berry essential oil

It reduces fluid retention, activates skin cell tissues, works as detoxifying oil


Juniper oil: 15 drops
Olive oil : 1/4th cup

How to apply?

- Take both the oil
- Mix well, apply and massage on the affected areas for 15 min
- Do this for 3 months are results will be clear.

# Lemon essential oil

It reduces the fat, softens the skin and improves skin elasticity, works as detoxifying oil and tightens the skin cells.


Safflower oil: ― cup
Lemon essential oil: 20 drops

How to use?

- Mix both the oil and massage on the areas
- This has to be done only at night time, as the lemon oil in the morning is prone to photosensitivity
- Wrap a cloth around after massage and wash off after 15 min.

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