5 Things To Do at Home To Reduce Age Spots

Age spots are flat and oval areas of tan, brown, or black color on the surface of your skin. These spots are caused by excess production of melanin, which can lead to the accumulation of melanin in the keratinocytes (epidermal skin cells).Also known as liver spots or solar lentigines, age spots can give an uneven appearance to your skin complexion.

Although associated with progressing age as a critical factor, age spots can develop as a result of damage caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. The increased production of melanin induced by UV light accumulates and takes the form of an age spot.

* Apply Tomato Juice on the Affected Area

Tomatoes contain a carotenoid pigment called lycopene.The antioxidant nature of lycopene can dampen the oxidative damage done to the skin upon exposure to UV light. Also, it can smoothen the skin texture and give you glowing skin. Studies have shown that skin treated with lycopene showed a 10-fold higher antioxidant activity than untreated skin.

* Vitamin C Sources can Provide Relief

Vitamin C is a source of antioxidants that potentially destroy oxidants and protect your skin from free radical-induced damage caused primarily by ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin C is an active depigmenting agent. It can reduce the effects of photoaging and can also prevent sunburn and erythema.

* Up Your Vitamin E Intake

Vitamin E works as an antioxidant and can potentially reverse UV-induced damage on the skin.A study conducted on hairless mice corroborated the role of vitamin E on inhibiting the damage caused by UV irradiation, less incidence of skin cancer, and reduced pigmentation.

* Aloe Vera Gel can be Beneficial

Abundant with vitamin A, C, and E, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.Regular use of aloe vera gel scrapes off dead skin cells, encourages the growth of new, healthy cells and adds freshness and youth to the skin. It can lighten and possibly remove age spots.

* Moisturize Your Skin with Yogurt

The lactic acid content in yogurt aids in bleaching the skin and enables the sloughing off of the dead skin cells, reducing the visibility of dark spots.A study has observed an apparent whitening effect on the skin after three months when treated with lactic acid augmented with 1% ascorbic acid. However, the whitening effect on the age spots was only modest.
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