We’ve all spotted a grey hair or two in our crowning glory, sometimes as early as in our 20s and 30s. It’s perfectly natural, and many women prefer to flaunt their silver streaks with elan. However, if you’re feeling conscious and want to get rid of grey hair, here’s a step by step guide to camouflaging them without damaging your hair.
* PluckingPlucking out the grey can work if you have plenty of eyebrows to lose. Try that when you first start seeing grey hairs. Keep it up until you don't have enough left after plucking.
* Using an Eyebrow Pencil or Eye ShadowYou can cover the grey with a pencil or shadow. Also, you can pluck all the hairs out and draw in eyebrows to look as dramatic as you want (this is less popular now than in the '50s, but why not start a trend?)
* Using CosmeticsSeveral cosmetic products can cover over the grey (see below for my review of the best types). I keep more than one on hand, depending on how dramatic I want my eyebrows to be that day.
* Using Temporary DyeMy favorite technique for a long time was to use a temporary root dye product. I've found that it works great on eyebrows and covers for the full day unless you go swimming. I also like the brush on the dye because it helps my eyebrows to line up better.
* Dying at HairstylistIf you dye your hair, you can ask your stylist to dye your eyebrows too. However, be warned that grey eyebrows sometimes reappear in between hair-dying sessions.