6 Home Remedies That Will Help You Get Rid of Dark Spots

People, especially those with deeper skin tones, often struggle with dark spots or patches on their skin which can appear due to a variety of reasons.

These blemishes can be stubborn or recurrent and are one of the most common complaints registered at dermatological clinics.

While the treatment for dark spots can vary depending upon the underlying cause, there are some tried-and-tested methods that can help fade the discoloration and make them less visible.

The following at-home treatments using natural ingredients can help prevent new dark spots and lighten the ones that are already present:

# Apply green tea

Daily consumption of green tea can help improve your overall skin health and appearance.

Additionally, green tea extract helps protect the skin against UVB radiation, thus reducing dark spots. When combined with titanium and zinc oxide in sunscreen preparations, green tea extracts can help prevent skin damage caused by both UVA and UVB radiations.

- People with dark circles can place cool and damp green tea bags on the affected area for about 15 minutes to reduce the hyperpigmentation around their eyes.
- Prepare a spot removal face mask by mixing green tea, banana, and kiwi juice. Apply it for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with normal water.

# Include vitamin C in your skin care routine

Vitamin C can help stimulate the production and stabilization of collagen and can also aid in skin lightening.

- There are many vitamin-C based cosmetic products that can be incorporated in your daily skin care routine to reduce the occurrence and appearance of dark spots. This includes serums, creams, and toners which contain vitamin C or ascorbic acid as the main ingredient. Make sure to check the label before buying to avoid substandard or duplicitous products.

# Lighten your blemishes with a coffee face mask

The antiaging properties of caffeine can help lighten pigmentation and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

- Prepare a coffee face mask by mixing 1 tablespoon of coffee powder in 1½ tablespoons of raw milk and apply it on the entire face or only the blemishes. With repeated use, this mask can help reduce the appearance of your dark spots and even out your skin tone.

# Apply aloe vera gel

The gel extracted from aloe vera leaves can help repair, revitalize, hydrate, and nourish your skin, which explains its widespread use in beauty products and remedies.

Its chief compound is aloe which is known to reduce dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and other blemishes as observed in some small-scale studies, but more rigorous research is needed to conclusively establish these claims.

- You can apply raw aloe vera gel after extracting it from the leaves on just the affected areas or all over the face.
- If you don’t have an aloe plant at home, you can buy packaged aloe gel or aloe-based skin products from the market, but do go through the ingredient list to make sure it’s devoid of any irritants or allergens and is 100% authentic.
- Regular application of aloe gel may help revitalize your skin and lighten your dark spots.

# Put on some diluted apple cider vinegar

The mildly acidic nature of ACV is due to the presence of acetic and citric acid in it, both of which are considered good for your skin when used in diluted quantities.

People have benefited from the topical use of diluted ACV for lightening dark aging spots, but there isn’t enough scientific evidence to support this claim.

- Dilute the potency of the liquid by mixing one part ACV into 2 or 3 parts water to avoid skin irritation and burns.
- Apply this solution on the pigmented areas for a few minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
- Use this remedy regularly, preferably twice a day, for best results.

# Try licorice and mulberry extracts

Skin creams and ointments containing licorice and mulberry extracts are credited with skin lightening properties that may help fade dark spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation.

While people have reported good results, more data and research is needed to determine just how effective this skin treatment actually is.

- You can take licorice and mulberry extracts in supplement form, but do consult your doctor about the correct dosage and their overall suitability before starting.
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