6 Quick Remedies To Get Rid of Acne Fast

Acne is a type of skin condition that occurs when the holes of your skin (pores) become plugged with dead skin cells and excess oil. In other words, it is a skin condition characterized normally by red pimples or blackheads, whiteheads and mostly affects the face, chest, shoulders, forehead, and upper back. Though it affects people of all ages but it is most common among teenagers. Acne is usually not a serious health threat, but it can cause acne scars.

The oil glands under the skin with an oily substance called sebum. Follicles are the pores that connect the gland by a canal. The oil carries dead skin cells inside the follicle to the surface of the skin. Through the follicle, a thin hair grows out to the skin. The sebum, skin cells, and hair sometimes clump together into a plug. It starts swelling and a pimple grows when the plug starts to break down.

# Tea Tree oil

Tea tree oil kills P. acnes, the bacteria that causes acne as it has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil, it can reduce the swelling and redness of pimples. Therefore, tea tree oil is considered as an effective acne treatment.

As per the study of 2015, researchers found that the acne sores of people can be reduced with mild to moderate acne by tea tree oil. This study suggested that 5% benzoyl peroxide of tea tree oil is a common over-the-counter (OTC ) acne medication.

Method of Using Tea Tree Oil

-Mix 1 part of tea tree oil and 9 parts of water.

– Take a cotton swab and dip it into the mixture and then apply this mixture to the affected area.

– If required, apply moisturizer.

– Repeat the process everyday for 1-2 times per day as needed.

# Honey

Apart from keeping your lips moisturized, honey has many other roles in the isle of beauty. For thousands of years, honey has been used to treat many skin problems like acne, pimples. Antioxidants present in the honey helps in clearing the debris and all the waste from clogged pores. Honey also contains wound healing properties and antibacterial due to which the doctors use honey in wound dressing.

Method to use

Take a little amount of honey in a cotton pad or clean finger and apply it into pimples. You can also add the honey in your body mask or face.

# Rosemary

Rosemary extract contains compounds or chemicals. These chemicals have antibacterial, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. The study of 2013 on human cells and mice models suggested that rosemary extract helps in reducing inflammation caused by the acne-causing bacteria.

# Green Tea

Green tea contains high concentrations of catechins. Catechins are a group of polyphenol antioxidants. Most of the people are suffering from acne due to a lack of antioxidants as there is too much sebum or natural oil in their pores. Antioxidants help in breaking down the waste products and chemicals which is harmful to damaging healthy cells.

Green tea also helps in

– inflammation-reducing

– skin’s sebum production has been reduced

– reducing P. acnes

Method of Using Green Tea

– For 3-4 minutes steep green tea in boiling water.

– Cool the tea.

– In a spray bottle pour the green tea to spritz on or use cotton ball to apply tea on skin.

– Let it dry. Now rinse with water and pat dry.

A study found that the use of polyphenol green tea extract can reduce 79% and 89% of blackheads and whiteheads. It is harder to find the green tea extract that is available only on some health stores or lines but people can easily get green tea in almost all high street stores.

# Jojoba Oil

The waxy substance and natural oil of jojoba can be extracted from the seeds of the jojoba shrub. It also helps in repairing damaged skin, wound healing, and acne lesions. Some compounds in jojoba oil prevent skin inflammation and reduce skin redness and pimples, whiteheads, and other inflamed lesions. According to a 2012 research, 133 people applied clay face masks that contained jojoba oil. After 6 weeks of using this mask for 2 to 3 times per week, people reported that they got 54% of improvement in their acne.

Method of Using Jojoba Oil

Mix jojoba essential oil with a cream, clay face mask, or a gel and apply it to the acne. Or, you can also use a cotton pad by taking a few drops of jojoba oil on it and rubbing gently on the affected areas of acne scars.

# Garlic

Garlic is also used to treat infections. It boosts the ability of the body to fight against germs and infections. Many traditional medicine practitioners used garlic as a medicine against skin infections. The organosulfur compounds of garlic have both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This organosulfur also helps in strengthening the immunity of the body to fight against infections.

How to Use Garli

By adding more garlic in the diet people can easily fight with the inflammation and infections caused by acne. Some people rub the garlic on toast, make it into a hot drink or chew whole garlic cloves. Garlic powders or capsules are mostly available in health stores or grocery stores. To avoid skin irritation, don’t apply garlic directly on pimples. Use it carefully or it may burn the skin.
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