6 Remedies That Will Help You Get Rid of Tan Naturally at Home

Summer and Tan just another word for each other. Geting out in sun means getting a lot of tan. Tanning also brings lots of skin problems like rashes, dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Ancient Ayurveda texts claim Turmeric, Saffron, Sugar, and nut-based oils to be excellent healers of skin tanning. In this article, we’ll talk about simple tan removal home remedies that you can use to remove tan from your body.

Whether you are suffering from the tan due to strolling around the city or relaxing at a beach destination for days together, these natural home remedies will help in sun tan removal.

You can use them to remove sun tan from all over your body - be it your neck, your feet, your arms or your hands.

# Lemon Juice And Honey To Remove Tan

Squeeze fresh lemon juice and add some honey to it. Apply the mixture on your skin and let it stay for 30 minutes before washing off with a mild cleanser.

You can also add some sugar to the lemon juice to make a scrub. In addition to removing tan, this will also slough off dead cells from the surface.

# Coconut Milk For Natural De Tan Treatment

Soak a cotton ball in fresh and organic coconut milk and dab it all over the face. Leave it on till it’s absorbed into the skin or dries completely. Wash it off with a mild cleanser.

# Oatmeal And Buttermilk For Tan Removal

Soak 2 teaspoons of oats or oatmeal in half a cup of water for about five minutes. Add 2-3 teaspoon of fresh, plain buttermilk to it and mix well. You can add honey as well to make the pack more moisturizing. Mix these ingredients well to form a paste and then apply it to your face, neck, arms and other areas affected by tanning.

Rub in a circular motion and let it stay for about 20 minutes. Wash off with reveal fresh, brighter looking skin.

# Massage with Ayurvedic De Tanning Oil - Nalpamaradi Thailam

Post cleaning your face and body, pour some oil on your palm. Start with gently massaging your face in a circular motion until fully absorbed. Then, gently massage the oil all over your body in brisk upward and downward strokes until fully absorbed.

# Saffron and Milk To Remove Tan From Face

Soak a few strands of saffron in milk for some time. Apply the milk on affected areas. To provide more moisture to the skin, saffron can be soaked in cream instead of milk.

# Sandalwood and Turmeric For Tan Removal From Face

Sandalwood powder can be mixed in milk or coconut water to apply on the skin as a pack. Tumeric can also be added to the pack to make it more effective for removing tan.
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