6 Remedies to Protect Your Skin From Seasonal Changes

Our country is known for its varied weather conditions. While the days can be humid and somewhat hot, nights are known to witness a remarkable drop in temperatures. And now that the chilly weather is approaching, it’s best to be armoured! Here are 5 essential tips you must take while tackling the seasonal change.

# Use Sunscreen

Even though winter days are not exactly sunny, apply a generous layer of sunscreen before you step outside during daytime. In this weather, your skin is relatively more dehydrated and there is a greater chance that the sun’s UV rays can do more damage than during summer days. Use a cream-based sunscreen so that it does not dry off quickly.

# Exfoliate Everyday

Winters call in for a lot of dead and dry skin. This makes your skin look dull, dry and dark. Therefore, exfoliate daily with gentle exfoliators. You can opt for natural exfoliators such as coarse coffee powder with some virgin coconut oil or black pepper powder mixed with honey. If you are going to an artificial product, opt for the ones that have moisturiser in them.

# Use The Right Moisturiser

Determine your skin type and then use a moisturiser. Your face skin might do with a relatively lighter moisturiser, but your body needs something heavy and long-lasting. Make sure that moisturiser you choose for your face is not too heavy and greasy so that it does not accumulate dust particles, which eventually leads to painful acne issues.

# Use Lukewarm Water

Though it is recommended by skin experts to avoid hot water for shower (except for the times when you simply want to soak yourself in a steaming bathing tub), opting for lukewarm water for shower and face-wash purpose is very important to soften the dead and dry skin cells so that they can be rubbed off in a much easier way. Opt for moisturising body wash and face wash products.

# Room Humidifiers

Use room humidifiers during winter days, especially when the weather is dry. This helps your skin from going extremely dry. Also, pairing this with a heater in extremely cold weather will help regulate your blood circulation.

# Drink Ample Of Water

In winters, we do not really get thirsty because we hardly sweat but we tend to pee a lot during winters. During this season, we naturally ‘forget’ to drink water so much so that the ‘ideal water quota of a day’ is not met with. This result in drying of skin cells, acidity issues, indigestion, inflexibility of muscles, etc. Therefore, make sure you have ample of water – you can make a water chart for yourself.

# Winter Workout

Winter mornings call in for major mental lethargy because we are already so cosy and comfortable in the layers of quilts and blankets in our soft bed that getting up for anything becomes an unbearable thing to even think. But workout during winter is a must. It makes you sweat enough so that your skin pores do not clog and get acne issues, help your skin retain an amazing natural glow, helps regulate blood circulation, which is very good for your skin’s health as well, etc. Post your workout, make sure you consume ample amount of fluids and nutrients
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