7 Amazing Beauty Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomato is the normal remedies for reducing skin balancing and natural looking. Tomato is also a natural way for acne treatment.

Tomato contains the vitamin K and vitamin C also. It also contains potassium, foliate. Vitamin C helpful in fair the skin naturally and gives fine look on face. Drinking of tomato juice is best for skin tone.

# Anti-aging supplement

Tomato is natural anti ageing; supplement gives the natural results without side effects. Tomato helps to anti aging the skin.

# Tomatoes are excellent to reduce oiliness

Tomatoes will helpful in reducing oiliness and they also help keep the skin cleaner and tighter. Rub raw tomatoes all over the skin and leave on for 5minutes before wash your face.

# Tomatoes help reduce open pores and blackheads

To reduce blackheads just rub tomato all over the skin, letting the juice saturate into the pores. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash your face.

# Tomatoes act as an astringent

Tomatoes help Lighten the skin and also helpful to wake up the dullest of skins.

# Tomatoes reducing summer tanning

Tomatoes are Helpful in reducing summer tanning. Mash a tomato and mix its pulp with a teaspoon of honey and massage on the skin. Reduces tan but also naturally reduce dryness caused by the strong UV rays of the sun. Leave this on for a minimum of 15 minutes and wash with cold water.

# Tomatoes decrease the effects of sunburn

Tomatoes are full with Vitamin C and A, it gives the skin a fresher and fairer look, but also helps in reduce effects of sunburn as well. Mix tomato juice with some buttermilk and apply to the skin allowing it to soak in the coolness of this magic mixture. Even if you have sunburn rashes, it will smooth the skin.

# Applying tomato juice on face daily

On face applying tomato juice every day. It will reduce the blockheads and reduces pimples on the skin. Tomatoes are good for acne and also good for balancing skin. For immediate results rub the tomato everyday on the face.
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