The Festival of colors is right here, and we all are excited to celebrate it. During this festive everyone is loaded with colours and celebrates the festival with complete joy. Even if you try you cannot escape from the colour because it is everywhere.
People are often worried about their skin during the festival because the colours used during Holi can leave a negative impact on your skin due to the chemicals present in the colours.
But this should not stop you from enjoying the festival. Here are some tips to take care of your skin during Holi which will help you protect your skin from the damage.
# Apply oil properlyIt is the best way to protect your skin from exposure to colours. Take some oil and apply it properly all over your body especially to the body parts that are exposed to colours. This will make your skin greasy and will not let the colour settle deep into your skin. It will also make it easier to clean colours. Oil will create a thin layer on your skin which will protect your skin from direct contact form colours.
# Cover most of your body partsThe less your body is exposed to colours the lesser are the chances of skin damage. Wear full sleeved clothes and full-length bottoms. Clothes are the best way to reduce exposure to colours as much as possible.
# Oil your hairNot just your skin your hair also require protection from the possible damage. Apply oil to your hair properly. It will help you wash your hair easily and get rid of all the colour from your hair. It won't let the colour stick to your hair. You should also make a bun while playing Holi to protect your hair. You can also cover your hair with a cap or a scarf.
# Apply nail polishYou should also protect your nails from colours. Nail polish will protect your nails. It will stop the colour from entering deep inside your skin through nails.
# Protect your earsThe colours often get into your ears which is very difficult to clean. Before playing with colours, all you need to do is take some petroleum jelly and apply it on the outer portion of your ears. It will make the outer area of your ears greasy which will prevent the colour from entering inside your ears.
# Do not stay in wet clothesWet clothes can also cause irritation and rashes. Change your clothes and do not stay in wet clothes for long. You can also catch a cold if you stay in wet clothes throughout the day,
# Protect your eyesYour eyes are very delicate. While playing with colours do not let the colors enter into your eyes. Keep them away from your sensitive eyes. Wear sunglasses during the day.