Today I will be discussing two things with you guys, first: benefits of scrubbing and second: the proper way to scrub your face. So before getting into that let’s know what scrubbing actually means. To clean something with soap and water by rubbing it hard, often with a brush is called scrubbing but this method has been glorified as we now have a lot of scrubs and bath salts which not only scrub but also gives more beneficial results.
Lets look into some benefits of scrubbing face
* Clean and clear skin
Scrubbing gives you clean skin, free from dirt, oil, and sweat. The bottles of cleansing milk, face washes, and facial cleansers cannot pull out all the dust and dirt that accumulates in the pores of your skin. Scrubbing does this job successfully. You can go for natural homemade sugar scrub
* Removes dead skin cellsDead cells make your skin look dull and tired. Gentle scrubbing will not only remove dead skin cells but will also give a nice fresh glow.
* Removes flaky skinFlaky skin looks very bad. It clearly shows the fact that you don’t take care of your skin the way you should. Flaky skin also gives rise to dry patches. It allows dead cells to build up over time. Scrubbing your skin can help you deal with flaky skin effectively.
* Glowing skin
Exfoliation/scrubbing can actually make your skin glow. Soak rice in milk for two or more hours. Then grind it into a gritty paste and scrub your face to get glowing skin. This method is best if you don’t want to buy any expensive exfoliator.
* Removes acne scarsGentle exfoliation can help in lightening acne/pimple scars.
* Removes tanTanning can be effectively removed if the skin is scrubbed properly with proper ingredients. Use Chiara green tea anti-tan face scrub for instant glow and visible tan removal.
* Improves textureScrubbing your skin gives you clean and smooth skin with an improved texture.
* Smooth skinSmooth skin makes you look more beautiful. Using a scrub made out of ground almonds and milk cream will not only make your skin look flawlessly smooth but will also make it soft and well-nourished from within. This will be best for dry skin people. So these are some benefits of scrubbing but remember not to scrub daily as that can rip off the natural oils from the face.
# Correct way to scrub your face
Choose the right scrub for your skin type, which might be oily, combination, normal, dry, or sensitive. Reading the directions on the package is important as every brand has a different way. Use warm water to wet your skin. Then massage the product into your skin for 60-90 seconds, and then rinse your skin with warm water. Make sure not to increase the massage time as it causes skin irritation.