9 Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil For Skin and Hair

Coconut oil carries many memories since our childhood, from a simple hair champi to making our favorite dish. This wonder oil is beyond the kitchen counters and deserves a place in your beauty products and bathroom shelves!

Coconut oil has been considered a “cure-all” kind of oil for a long time. We all must know why it is so, as it has versatile health benefits where coconut oil acts on every system of our body. It improves digestion, good for the heart, boosts your immunity, etc. but what makes coconut oil beneficial for your skin and hair?

Coconut oil contains a unique combination of fatty acids and antioxidants that helps to prevent skin and hair damage. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to fight against different skin and hair infections. It contains medium-chain fatty acids that contain Caprylic acid, Lauric acid, and Capric acid. Lauric acid is known for its antimicrobial, moisturizing, and hormone-balancing properties.
Coconut oil for skin and hair –

Coconut oil provides a perfect head to toe treatment as it enriched with various components. Here we enlisted a few skin and health benefits of it –

# Perfect moisturizer

If you are looking for a great moisturizer, then coconut oil can be a great, affordable option. Coconut oil acts as a great natural moisturizer for your body. Due to the presence of fatty acids and vitamin E, it provides protection and nourishment to the skin. It provides a barrier on the skin to hold the moisture inside and prevent dryness of the skin. Regular use of coconut oil gives you perfectly soft skin.

# Acts as a cleanser

Coconut oil may use as a natural exfoliator and cleanser recommended for all types of skin. If your limbs are looking dull, then use this oil with brown sugar or salt and say hello to beautiful skin! Coconut oil has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties, which help to keep your skin clean.

# Eczema reliever

As mentioned in the heading, coconut oil relieve the symptoms of eczema but not cure. It works great by reducing skin irritation and dryness. It seals the skin moisture inside and keeps it hydrated. As per research, coconut oil can reduce the symptoms of eczema, particularly for those who have sensitive skin and eczema.

# Natural makeup remover

Coconut oil is the best makeup remover because it dislodges makeup particles and excessive sebum from the skin. If you put on a lot of makeup, then use coconut oil as an initial cleanser following it up with a gentle water-based face wash. Coconut oil is comedogenic so, always wash away the oily residue after use.

# Perfect lip balm

Do you have chapped or dry lips? Then coconut oil can help you. Being rich in fatty acids, it replaces the dead skin on your lips with a healthy one. It also acts as a barrier that locks the moisture inside the skin and prevents dryness.

# Nourish your cuticles

Coconut oil provides nourishment and moisture to your dry cuticles. Rub oil on brittle nails and cuticles regularly for best results.

# Deep conditioner

Struggling with dry and frizzy hair? No worries! Coconut oil can resolve your hair problems. Coconut oil is a conditioner and a moisturizer too. It helps to repair damaged hair follicles, shafts from coloring or pollution. Massage some coconut oil over the scalp and hair and leave it overnight. Wash your hair the next day with a mild shampoo and see the result by yourself.

# Go dandruff-free

Being anti-fungal coconut oil can be an effective treatment for dandruff. It magically reduces the scaly scalp by deep conditioning the scalp. All you need to do is to massage your scalp and hair with warm coconut oil and let the oil sit on your scalp for 30 minutes before washing it off with water

# Hair protector

Are you thinking of getting into the pool? It always better to cover your hair with some coconut oil to protect them from the sun and chlorine. It acts as a shield between your hair and water.

Coconut oil offers several health benefits for skin, hair, and all over the body. But, always make sure that you are using pure oil because impurities present in oil may damage your health.
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