Oranges are just not a yummy fruit but also really beneficial to our body and skin. High in citric acid, oranges help keep your skin firm and supple thus making you look younger and fresher. Here are some ways you can use oranges in your skincare and hair care routines.
The color orange itself is vibrant and inspiring. We are encouraged to eat a rainbow assortment of fruit and vegetables. Orange can be an important part of that diet. It’s often said that “you are what you eat” and this is particularly true in the case of oranges. We can incorporate the goodness of oranges both in our diet as well as topical application on our skin. In fact, a lot of dermatologists wax eloquent about the benefits of oranges for the skin. Oranges are also known as Kamala Pandu (Telugu), Kichili Pazham (Tamil), Kittale (Kannada), Santra (Hindi,Gujarati & Punjabi), Kamla Lebu (Bengali) and Santre (Marathi).
Healthy SkinThe antioxidants present in oranges fight free radicals and thus prevents aging faster.
Treatment Of Dark Spots And BlemishesOrange peels have a higher content of vitamin C than the fruit itself. Instead of throwing away the peels, you can dry them in the sun and grind them to prepare orange peel powder. This can be used as a body scrub. You can mix the above scrub with milk and milk cream and apply it on your face. This will provide an instant glow to your face as well as reduce dark spots and blemishes on your skin.
Treatment Of AcneExcess dirt, soot or bacteria block your skin pores, resulting in the occurrence of pimples.
Oranges have a high content of citric acid which is effective in drying away acne. Orange peels contain a high amount of dietary fiber, which regulates bowel movements, thus eliminating harmful wastes and toxins from the body. This will prevent acne breakouts by getting rid of toxins.
You can prepare a face mask by grinding orange peels to make a paste and apply it all over your face. This will not only keep acne at bay but also combat skin oiliness. With regular usage, you can see a visible reduction in pimples and its marks.
Skin Whitening QualitiesOrange peels are a natural bleaching agent that can lighten dark blotches on the skin and effectively remove them with time. They help in reducing suntans by deflecting harmful UV rays from attacking skin cells. Dilute the orange peel paste while creating the face mask because they contain a lot of citric acid which might irritate your skin.
Anti- Aging BenefitsOranges are a rich source of vitamin C which improves the skin texture and color.
It also helps in restoring collagen in your body which is responsible for skin firming and prevents premature aging of skin. Oranges contain powerful antioxidants which fight off oxygen free radicals These free radicals often cause wrinkles and sagging of cheeks.
Removes BlackheadsOrange peel mask is quite effective in extracting blackheads out of your skin.
You can prepare this mask by mixing one part yogurt with orange peel powder to make a thick paste.Apply this paste on your face, using gentle circular motions and wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. This is not only a natural and non-painful way of getting rid of blackheads but also unclogs excess oils and dirt clogged within skin pores.
Great TonerOrange peels contain abundant amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants which maintain the oils of the skin. They are suitable for both oily and dry skin. Topical application of orange peels on skin removes dead cells and dirt as well as keeps the skin moisturized and toned. Calcium contributes to antioxidant production, thus reversing dry skin and providing the appearance of a healthy and glowing skin.
Rejuvenates Dull SkinYou can make a refreshing face spray using orange peels.Alternatively, you can juice 2 oranges and put the juice in an ice cube tray. Rubbing these frozen orange cubes on your face will spruce up and brighten your dull and lackluster skin. It will refine your pores and control oiliness.
Radiant SkinInstead of grinding the orange peels, you can simply pour boiling water on the peels and leave for a day. Filter this liquid the next day and refrigerate it. Apply this liquid on your face with a cotton ball and leave it until it dries up. This will make your face firm and glowing.
Excellent ConditionerOrange juice is an excellent conditioner for your hair. You can prepare a conditioner at home by mixing the juice of one orange, water and one spoon of honey. Apply this mixture on your shampooed hair and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes. This will provide you with healthy, shiny and beautiful hair.
Stimulates Hair GrowthVitamin C along with bio-flavonoids in oranges aids in circulation to the scalp which in turn promotes hair growth. They also contain folic acid, a type of vitamin B that is vital to hair growth. Insonitol is another form of vitamin B that prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth. Hence, regular consumption of oranges is a great way of boosting the intake of these nutrients.
Treatment Of DandruffJuice of orange peel can be used on the scalp to control dandruff. You can also grind the peel and use it on your scalp. This will remove dandruff as well as cleanse your scalp.
Alternatively, you can prepare a hair rinse by boiling the orange peels in water. Filter the liquid the next day and use it as a hair rinse to remove dandruff and get shining hair.