DIY Activated Charcoal Deodrant for Lasting Fragrance

Activated charcoal is an amazing detox ingredient to add to your DIY deodorant! Check out this DIY deodorant with activated charcoal!

There are many beauty benefits of activated charcoal but the most exciting one is that it detoxifies skin. It sucks out impurities and is known to adsorb 1000 times its own mass in harmful substances. Adsorb is a term that means to hold molecules of a gas or liquid or solute as a thin film on the outside surface or on internal surfaces within the material.

Using activated charcoal in your DIY deodorant is good for removing impurities, toxins and heavy metals (think aluminum from all the commercial deos you’ve been using). It’s also gentle enough to be used on sensitive underarm skin and most importantly, it won’t stain your skin black! So no worries!


4 ½ tbsp shea butter
5 tbsp arrow root powder or corn starch
1 tbsp and 1 tsp baking soda
1-2 capsules activated charcoal
20 drops essential oil of your choice
Small pan and wooden spoon for mixing
Deodorant tube or clean container


* Place 4 ½ tbsp of shea butter in a small non-metal pan on the stove top. You can use a ceramic pan.

* Gently melt it down over a low heat. Don’t turn up the heat because we don’t want the nutrients to be destroyed with high heat.

* Once melted, turn off the heat and add the baking soda and arrow root powder. Empty two capsules of activated charcoal into the mixture.

* Stir well to form a creamy paste then stir in the essential oil of your choice.

* Pour your creamy mixture into deodorant tubes or a glass container. If using a plastic container, then first completely cool your deodorant for 10 minutes. It will become more firm but you can still scrape it into the container.

* That’s it! Your DIY deodorant with activated charcoal is ready! Let it set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before use! If storing in a container, scoop out just two pea-sized amounts and apply on each clean underarm.
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