DIY Flax Seed Gel To Get Healthy Hair

In the realm of natural hair care, the quest for luscious locks often leads us back to the wisdom of traditional remedies. Amidst the myriad of options, one gem stands out for its simplicity, effectiveness, and versatility: flax seeds. These tiny powerhouses of nutrition have long been celebrated for their health benefits, and now, their magic extends to the realm of hair care. Welcome to our guide on creating your own DIY Flax Seed Gel to Get Healthy Hair.

In this journey, we'll explore the wonders of flax seeds and how their natural properties can transform your hair from dull and lifeless to vibrant and strong. Unveiling the secrets of this natural gel, we will guide you through the process of harnessing its potential to enhance your hair's health, texture, and shine.

Join us as we delve into the art of creating your personalized flax seed gel, free from harmful chemicals and rich in nutrients. Discover the simplicity of the process, the science behind the magic, and the incredible benefits that await your tresses. Say goodbye to commercial hair products laden with artificial ingredients and embrace the beauty of DIY Flax Seed Gel, where healthy, lustrous hair is just a step away.


Flax seed (Powdered or whole)
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Essential Oil
Lemon Juice (Optional)


* Making Flax Seed gel is pretty easy, you need around 1 cup of water for 4-5 tablespoon of flax seeds. You can use grounded flax seed or whole. Using whole makes it easier to strain compared to the powdered form.

* You need to add flax seed in water and boil the mixture. Keep stirring it once in a while. You will notice that the flax seeds will start going down and a froth keeps forming on the top.

* Once you achieve a string like consistency, you can switch off the flame and the gel is almost ready.

* Using a strainer, strain the gel out from the seeds. You can reuse these seeds for one more time. Once you strain it, you will get a brownish gel like mixture (depending on the color you use) and it has a consistency of aloe vera. You can store this gel for upto 2 weeks in the fridge.

* You can stop it here or improvise it. You can use this gel for face and also to style your hair. Since I was making a hair mask, I added the other ingredients into it.

* You can add any types of oil. I used olive and coconut oil as they were the ones I had. Using an essential oil is optional. I have been dealing with light dandruff and itchy scalp and thus I added tea tree oil and lemon juice.

* Once you add the oils, give it a good mix and your hair mask is ready to be used! Do not store this mixture in the refrigerator and use it at once.

* You can section your hair and apply it to your scalp and hair ends. It is slimy and flows away. So, one way of using it is to rub it onto the palms and then apply onto the hair. Using a brush can also be a good option. You can also dip the comb in the mixture and comb your hair.

* Leave on the mask for around 30 minutes to 1 hour and then shampoo and condition as usual. You can also use the plain flax seed gel as a conditioner.


- Flax seed is rich in Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids and this makes it very moisturizing for dry hair. The presence of fatty acids increases the elasticity of the hair and thus makes the hair less prone to breakage.

- It also has proteins, folate and other nutrients and this makes the hair stronger over the period of time.

- Flax seeds help to balance pH levels and also prevents hair and scalp damage as it nourishes the hair.

- Conditions the hair and with regular use treats issues such as dryness, split ends, breakage.

- Adds incredible shine to the hair. `

- Reduces frizz and makes hair manageable.

- The gel alone can be used to define curls and is an affordable remedy as a leave-in conditioner for curly hair.Suitable for all hair types and no side effects or cons from using them.
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