Everything You Need To Know About Korean Sheet Masks

We have only good things to talk about these beauties!

Korean skincare is now trending worldwide all thanks to social media and more so with all these celebrities joining the bandwagon of looking like scary ghosts. So let’s put on a mask and read the amazing benefits of these sheet masks but first, let’s read on what they are all about.

# What are Korean Face Masks?

Better known as face masks or sheet masks, these Korean skincare products help rejuvenate your skin. Usually, white in color, these sheet masks have cutouts for the eyes, lips and a flap for the nose. They can also be colored depending on the ingredients and product materials used for aesthetic purposes. Sheet masks are different from paste masks that need to be applied rather than placed on your face.

# What’s in a Sheet Mask?

From fruits to aromatic oils and even charcoal infused chemicals can be found in these face masks. Depending on your need, you can find out what sheet mask works best for you face. Using multiple masks is also trending but you can start simple. Paste or cream face masks are popular in multi-masking beauty trends. Don’t get fooled by the colors but rather choose the best and most useful ingredients for your skin.
How To Use Sheet Masks?

* Preparing your skin before even applying the face mask is necessary. Wash your face with a face wash and cleanser. Get rid of any previous makeup or products on your skin before you apply the face mask.

* Make sure they stick to your face completely for best effects. Smoothen the mask as much as possible on all sides after matching the appropriate cutouts.

* Don’t keep them on too long. Since it dries off quickly, it might suck your natural water content and leave your skin drier than before.

* Don’t wipe away the excess off. Instead, let it soak in your skin as your massage it into your skin with your fingertips in outward motions.

# Benefits

* Moisturise

The physical barrier of the sheet blocks it from leaking and actually getting absorbed in your skin. The serum in sheet masks (varies on masks and companies) is what keep its moisturized and hydrated.

* Cleans out Pores

Sheet masks are meant to cleanse out your clogged pores with the help of their ingredients and hydrating properties. They aren’t that useful for acne as reported but it helps cool down your face anyways.

* Regular Use

Use them regularly for best results. Koreans use these face masks twice a day every day! They don’t show immediate effects so use them regularly for dewy skin. If you need the same flawless glowing looks 24×7 you better start making time to use these face masks at least once a day.
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