While a suntanned look is favored in Western countries, it’s considered unattractive in Eastern countries. Moreover, the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun damage your skin. There is no such thing as a “healthy tan”. The good news is that a suntan tends to fade over time.
Applying an anti-tan face mask also helps fade a summer tan fast. Plus, it helps remove dark spots and blemishes and add a radiant glow to your skin. You can prepare your anti-tan face mask with skin-lightening ingredients like aloe vera gel, gram flour (also called chickpea flour or besan), tomato, yogurt, lemon juice, cucumber juice and rose water. Also, as prevention is always better than the cure, avoid sun exposure, especially during the peak hours of the day.
# With Gram FlourIngredientsGram flour
Aloe vera gel
A mixing bowl and spoon
Method- Put 2 tablespoons of gram flour in a bowl.
- Add 1 to 1½ tablespoons of plain yogurt.
- Add 1 tablespoon of aloevera gel.
- Mix it well to get a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste daily and wash it off with cold water.
# Cucumber and Lemon JuiceIngredient
Cucumber juice
Lemon juice
Rose water
A mixing bowl and spoon
- Put 1 tablespoon of cucumber juice in a bowl.
- Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
- Mix in 1 teaspoon of rose water.
- Apply this paste daily and wash it off with cold water.
# Tomato and YogurtIngredient
A ripe tomato
Plain yogurt
Lemon juice
A mixing bowl and spoon
Method- Chop 1 tomato into pieces and put them in a blender.
- Add 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.
- Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
- Blend the mixture.
- Apply this paste and wash it off with cold water.