Home Made Herbal Hair Shampoo For Healthy Hair

Plenty of hair care commercials promise shiny, beautiful hair, but at what cost? This DIY herbal hair rinse recipe nourishes the scalp, boosts shine, and strengthens hair naturally without the downsides of chemicals and parabens.This herbal hair rinse features nutritive herbs that feed the scalp for healthier, stronger hair. The apple cider vinegar softens and cleanses, without removing the scalp’s natural oils.


1/4 cup nettle
1/4 cup horsetail
3 TBSP dried basil
4 TBSP dried lavender
3 TBSP dried rosemary
3 to 3 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
filtered water


* In a quart-size glass jar add all of the dried herbs. Cap the jar and shake to mix, or stir with a spoon.

* Fill the jar to 1 inch from the top with apple cider vinegar. Cap it tightly, and shake vigorously.

* Keep the jar in a cool, dark location for 2-4 weeks. You want to shake it every day or so. After the first few days you may notice that the herbs have absorbed some of the vinegar. Just top your jar off with some more vinegar so that it stays about 1 inch from the top.

* After the herbs have infused into the vinegar for 2-4 weeks, then strain them out with a cheesecloth or a very clean old t-shirt fabric. You can also strain it with a fine mesh sieve, then line your sieve with a coffee filter and run it through again.

* Store your herbal hair rinse in a clean glass jar. When you go to use it, dilute it with 1 part of filtered water. The vinegar concentrate will keep indefinitely; however water will encourage mold and bacterial growth, so don’t store the rinse pre-diluted with water.
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