Reasons Why Guava is Best For Your Skin and Hair

A unique flavor, a fruity and tangy smell and beautiful color; these are some of the things that can attract anyone towards Guava. However, did you know it is also a powerhouse of nutrients and can provide your body with all the essential nutrient requirements when had on a regular basis?

Yes, Guava indeed a magical fruit that benefits each and every part and organ of the body, when consumed the right way. From increasing the glow of your face to making your hair shine naturally, helping in weight loss and maintaining blood pressure, Guava offers some mind-blowing health benefits that will go a long way in keeping you fit and energetic.

# Helps to Treat Wrinkles on Face:

Guava leaves have anti-aging properties which help to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face. It helps in destroying the free radicals which are damaging your skin. A decoction of mature guava leaves can be used on the skin to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Apart from this, it also helps in improving the texture of your skin. Guava leaves can also help in treating those smiling lines on the face, commonly known as, crow’s feet.

# Helps to Lighten Dark Spots:

Guava leaves also help to lighten the dark spots on your face and also clears the blemishes left behind on the skin. Guava leaves make an excellent skin lightening ingredient, thereby, providing you with a clear looking complexion and a spot free skin.

# Relieves Itching on Face:

Itching can be one of the major problems for many and if you suffer from itching on the skin or inflammation, guava leaves can help to treat this problem. Due to allergy blocking compounds present in the guava leaves, it helps to instantly cure itchiness on skin.

# Aids Hair Loss:

Guava leaves can help in aiding your hair loss and also treats scalp related problems. In order to combat hair loss, take a handful of guava leaves and boil it in water for at least 20 minutes. Now, allow the water to cool down and apply on your scalp after some time.

# Helps in Giving You an Even Tone:

Using guava leaves can help to treat hyperpigmentation on the skin thus, promoting even skin tone. The antioxidants present in the guava leaves helps to shrink the pores on the skin and promotes clear and glowing skin.

# Treats Acne and Blemishes:

Guava leaves are an excellent antibacterial agent which help to treat acne, pimples, and blemishes on the face. When applied on skin, guava leaves helps in reducing the appearance of pimples and acne on the face. In fact, a study in the American Journal of Research has proved that the regular and consistent usage of guava leaves on the skin can reduce the occurrence of pimples and acne to a huge extent.

# Helps to Remove Blackheads:

Guava leaves can help to remove blackheads and shrink the large sized pores. Take some guava leaves and boil them in water. Blend the guava leaves along with some water and turmeric. Now, apply this mask on your face to remove the blackheads. Make sure you scrub properly.

# Helps to Cure Infection on Scalp:

Due to antibacterial properties present in guava leaves, it helps to treat scalp infections. Boil some guava leaves and use the water as a final rinse on hair. Using guava leaves can help to aid hair loss in a person.
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