Have you ever wondered why your hair isn’t thriving anymore? Maybe you’ve been trying different products and keeping up with your wash days but something still isn’t quite right. This could be a huge sign that it’s time for a detox.
When you hear the word detox, we think of a body cleanse to keep you in top shape. It’s associated with physical health and also mental health, when you do a social media detox for example. One thing we might forget is that our hair needs some detoxing too.
Hair detoxing is very, very important for the health of your hair. It’s a detailed cleanse that’s more than just your usual shampooing and conditioning because it really eliminates deep toxins, which shampoos cannot. Hair carries serious contaminants like heavy metals, parabens, sulfates and silicon, which could even cause hormonal imbalance.
Sings that are associated with an urgent need for a detox are excess shedding or even alopecia, scalp irritation, dull looking hair and weak strands.
The good news is that detoxing naturally doesn’t require too many steps or complicated products. These are the simple guidelines you need to follow right away.
Stay away from the harsh productsToxins can come from the environment especially if you live in a highly industrialized area with factories and plants. But, they also come from the common products we use. These are styling gels, shampoos that aren’t natural, hair creams, grease and all those. What could accelerate the need for a detox is if you use chemicals like hair dyes and relaxers often.
The toxins pile up and cause your hair progress to stagnate.
For a long-term strategy, shift to natural products even when your detox season is done. Meanwhile, you could keep a stash of homemade natural shampoo and use natural styling products like aloe Vera gel to replace store bought gels. Alternatively, you can learn how to make your own gel with fenugreek seeds from simple tutorials on YouTube.
Eat healthy and drink plenty of waterYou also have to coordinate your hair detox with a full body detox. They work hand in hand because you can’t separate the connection between the two. And what do you have to lose in any case?
Eating a well-balanced diet with natural detox teas and plenty of water will flush out the toxins while pumping nutrients into your hair simultaneously.
Your body will naturally begin the detoxification process so this will be a huge boost with tons of overall benefits.
Living an active lifestyle gives you way more benefits that just looking good. It kick-starts the detoxification from within as blood flow is increased throughout the body, including your scalp.
As you sweat, the toxins are brought to the skin surface and eliminated through your pores. Just remember to wash your hair often with a natural shampoo to prevent your pores from getting clogged up again.
Use natural detoxifiersYou have no excuse not going for natural alternatives that are readily available. Some of these include items you already have in the pantry.
- Bentonite clayThis is one of the best hair detox ingredients to use because it naturally absorbs toxins like heavy metals from your scalp. Mix the clay with equal parts of water into a paste before coating your hair and scalp with the mask. Let it sit until it dries up and give it a thorough rinse. Deep condition your hair after to restore the moisture.
- Apple cider VinegarDoing an ACV rinse drives out toxins and restores the natural pH balance on your scalp. Nothing beats the efficacy of apple cider especially the organic brands with the mother.
Coconut milkThis gentle detoxifier is rich in antioxidants. You can use it to prepare a hair rinse, where you coat your hair and scalp and massage before rinsing or even hair shampoo by mixing it with some castile soap. This will also help in detangling hair hence less hair breakage.
Scalp scrubsExfoliation is a good step in detoxing. A sea salt scrub is a great option because it’s good at absorbing toxins and sloughing off dead skin cells and product build up from your pores. Mix it with some olive oil, wet your hair then massage your scalp gently before rinsing.