The Easiest Way to Organize Your Beauty Products

We all have a running list of things we would do if only we had the time, and odds are,
one of the line items is to finally organize your coveted makeup and skincare goodies.Good news: there’s no better time than now. Better news is: we’re making it simple,easy and quick. And best of all: all you need are small or large UNITS PVC bags, base on your beauty inventory. Not only do their clear PVC panels let you easily spot what you need, they’re also easy to clean, store, and travel with. Let’s go ahead and knock it out, so you can spend the rest of the day (or week) feeling productive.

STEP 1-Take Inventory

First of all, you need to start by taking a better look at everything you have, and make
two piles: one of the things you want to keep and another to toss. Haven’t used it in years? Toss. Have duplicates of the same thing? Toss. That gift you got that didn’t suit your skin? Toss. Make sure everything you’re keeping is in good shape. Take a look at every thing you need getting rid of. Old as well as expired items.
STEP 2-Separate Based on Frequency

Now that we have narrowed down your beauty stash, separate the remaining items based on how frequently you actually use them. We recommend putting your go-to items in one pouch—these are the makeup and skincare products you reach for on the daily. Think: your staple moisturizer or go-to lip gloss. This way, you can have your regulars close and store the rest away.

STEP 3-Group Together by Categories

The remaining products are ones you don’t use all the time, but are in good condition.
Let’s create different piles based on categories and use. Try starting broader and narrowing down as necessary. If you don’t have a ton of products, you can organize just by body part, meaning a bag for face, another for eyes, lips and so on. If that leaves you overwhelmed, delve into subcategories. Instead of just an ‘eyes’ pouch, try separating by subcategories, like liners, mascaras, shadows, etc. If you have a lot of one thing, for example lips, you can also split them even further and create separate pouches based on colors (i.e. red lipsticks), textures (matte lipsticks versus satin), or seasons (thicker moisturizers for winter and lighter formulas for the summer). Remember, these are only ideas and suggestions. If something else makes more sense for you, go for it! This is all about what suits you based on your products and how you like to use them. And, you’re done! While you don’t need to re-organize often, we recommend updating seasonally.
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