Thick healthy eyebrows not only look beautiful but bring out the art and brightness in your eyes, highlighting them naturally. Constant plucking of eyebrows to maintain them in shape, poor and low protein diet, and poor makeup practices can often reduce their growth resulting in thinned out and faded brows. Fuller eyebrows can make one look younger by taking those extra years off one’s face. Even in the world of fashion, thicker, longer brows are now in. From runway models to celebrities, everyone is sporting them.
Products derived naturally have always been safer to use. Plus, they don’t have irreversible adverse side effects, unlike their chemical counterparts. For those who aren’t endowed with thick brow arches, these simple and effective home remedies will answer your questions on how to have thick eyebrows.
* Castor Oil
This has been a versatile ingredient in makeup and beauty home remedies. It helps maintain skin health and is an excellent hair growth enhancer, which is why it has been used as a solution for thin, waxed out eyebrows. Castor oil is rich in fatty acids which help the hair follicles grow, reactivating dormant hair follicles, triggering hair growth from them. Apart from promoting hair growth, castor oil also reduces hair fall from brow arches, catering to the presence of a high content of ricinoleic acid in it which adds volume to the thinning eyebrows. Massaging castor oil over the brow arches encourages hair growth because, massaging warms up the area, boosting blood supply to the roots of the hair shafts, thereby supplying nutrients and improving hair growth. The moisturizing action of castor oil prevents drying of hair follicles, causing them to multiply and increase hair growth.
* Coconut oil
Coconut oil can act as a castor oil substitute for people with oily skin or skin vulnerable to acne breakouts because castor oil has a relatively richer and thicker consistency and hence the coconut oil substitution. Coconut oil is abundant in vitamins E and K, and also a rich powerhouse of Iron, the micronutrient involved in the maintenance of healthy hair. Vitamin E, tocopherol is rich in antioxidants that combat free radicals which have a potential to cause hair damage and hair depigmentation. Vitamin K is rich in proteins and hair is formed of keratin protein, therefore vitamin K discourages protein degradation and encourages protein binding to strengthen the hair strands and prevent them from shedding. Besides, coconut oil also has mild antiseptic actions that retard bacterial and fungal growth on hair, improving the quality of hair.
* Olive OilApart from healthy cooking, olive oil also has some significant actions on healthy brows. Olive oil is a rich source of vitamin A, that balances sebum production and restores natural oils to the hair strands and vitamin E or tocopherol, that has prominent anti-oxidant properties. It helps to fight the free oxidative radicals by scavenging them and thus inhibiting the harm caused by these free radicals to hair growth and pigmentation. It also has an excellent emollient action that locks in the moisture content within the hair shafts, keeping them hydrated and nourished. Since castor oil is a thick, viscous oil, olive oil can be used to dilute it for application on eyebrows.
* Onion juiceThe rich amount of sulphur present in onions is the reason behind their overwhelming effect on brow hair growth. The sulphur present in it helps to boost collagen production and prevents greying of hair. Don’t let that pungent onion odour frighten you. Make the best use of onions to grow your eyebrows thicker and faster.
* Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds contain hormones and nicotinic acid that helps to strengthen the hair shafts that prevent hair from shedding and help the brows grow denser. Fenugreek seeds also impart a healthy shine to the brow arches and using them regularly will also darken your brows keeping premature greying of hair at bay.
* Aloe Vera
Inexpensive and efficient, aloe vera has a growth-boosting effect on your eyebrows. It has antiseptic properties and has a soothing effect on the eyebrows that might have been caused by sunburn or chemicals. It rehydrates the skin, nourishing the hair follicles to grow back faster and thicker. Regular use of Aloe vera has shown to benefit growth spurt in eyelashes and eyebrows.
* Almond Oil
Contains vitamin E, vital for hair and skin growth. It prevents hair from shedding and makes it denser and thicker. Almond oil stimulates hair follicle multiplication and hence promotes hair growth in the brow arches.
* Egg YolkA powerhouse of proteins, egg yolk is rich in keratin protein that enhances hair growth. Egg yolk not only strengthens the brows but also thickens them, making them smoother and softer and less prone to damage.
* MilkMilk is indeed a beauty drink! Milk is rich in casein and whey protein, the two major triggers to enhanced hair growth. Milk also has hydrating action and keeps the moisture in the hair strands sealed, preventing dryness and brittleness of the hair strands.
* Lemon JuiceRich in vitamin C, limonene and folic acid compounds, lemon juice actively helps to cause growth spurt in the eyebrows. It also has antifungal properties and keeps fungal infections at bay.