Valentines Special- Get Flower Like Glow With These Tips

Want to get golden glow skin at home? Yes, you can get fair & flawless skin at home in few minutes. These 4 secret home ingredients can bring sparkling glow to skin instantly. Try this instant skin brightening home remedies & get a parlor glow skin in just few minutes. Let’s see the ingredients for glowing skin.

* Tamarind

Some might be wondering while reading this. Yes, tamarind is an effective skincare ingredient. It can make skin bright and beautiful. You can do simple face bleach at home with tamarind pulp. It is an excellent home remedy to get fair glowing skin. Soak tamarind in water for some time. Crush the tamarind in water. Extract thick pulpy juice. Add 2 tsp of lemon juice to it. Mix well and apply on face using cotton. Reapply 2-3 times. Leave it to dry. Wash after 15 minutes. Get instant glow & polished skin in just few minutes!

* Lemon

Needless to say about benefits of using lemon for skincare. Lemon is the best home ingredient to get fair & flawless skin. You have to use lemon in correct ways else it may damage skin. If you want to get sparkle glowing skin instantly, use lemon. Squeeze half lemon and add 2 tsp of water. You can add a pinch of baking soda to it. Apply on face & neck using cotton. Reapply 2-3 times and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash with cold water. It makes skin bright and beautiful just like a parlor glow treatment.

* Baking Soda

Every kitchen has baking or cooking soda. It is the ingredient used in most face bleach & fairness creams. You can prepare your own bleach cream to get diamond glow at home. Take 1 tsp of baking soda. Add little rose water and glycerin. Mix well and apply on face using cotton. Reapply 2-3 times and leave it to dry. Wash in cold water after 15-20 minutes. Your face will look bright and radiant in few minutes. You can try this remedy to get instant fairness.
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