We can safely say love is in the air in Bollywood. While B-town’s leading ladies Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra are busy tying the knot (the DeepVeer wedding is now done & Pee Cee’s wedding is a few days away), a few actors and actresses closer home have been giving us couple goals with their sweet outings and lovey-dovey pictures. If Instagram posts are anything to go by, we currently have three new couples in Bollywood, who are cosying up to each other and making us play the guessing game.
* Susmita Sen-Rohman ShawlThe former Miss Universe who turns 42 tomorrow has given her heart to 27-year-old Kashmiri model Rohman Shawl. For a while now, we have been seeing them celebrating festivals together, attending parties together, gymming together, indulging in riyaaz together and bonding with Sushmita’s adopted children.
* Malaika Arora-Arjun KapoorRumours of a relationship between Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor have been going strong for a while now. For now, neither of them have either confirmed nor denied the rumours, but fact remains that the two of them are often spotted together. In fact, just last week, the couple partied hard with Malaika’s sister Amrita Arora and close friend Kareena Kapoor Khan. Maheep Kapoor shared a few photos from the party on her Instagram. In one of the pictures, Arjun and Malaika can be seen getting cosy. While Malaika looks stunning in a silver crop top and blingy pants, Arjun looks dashing in a blue tee and black denim.
* Shibani Dandekar-Farhan AkhtarA few months back, a picture posted by Shibani made us get on with playing the guessing game. Shibani was holding the hands of a man whose back was turned towards the camera, with only Shibani looking straight at it. The man had an uncanny resemblance with Farhan Akhtar.
However, ending all speculations a few days later, Farhan too, posted the same picture on his Instagram profile, which he captioned with a ‘heart’ emoji, thus confirming all rumours. See the picture here.