10 Health Benefits of Consuming Avocado on Regular Basis

The creamy and smooth avocado is a kind of super fruit. It comes with a long list of nutrition from vitamins, minerals, fibers to healthy fats. Simply eating around 300 mg of avocado will provide your body what it needs in terms of nutrition. Moreover, avocado is easy to consume and you can even use it for skin and hair treatment.

# Reducing Cancer Risk

Carotenoids work to fight free radicals and they are even more powerful with the existence of lutein in this fruit. These compounds can slow down the growth of cancer cells, especially prostate cancer, as has been proved by many studies. However, since the studies conducted using isolated cells, not human, the results might still need further researches and studies to ensure the effects for human.

The effectiveness of avocados in preventing cancer is believed because it is containing phytochemicals that can make cancer cells stop from growing. Those who are under chemotherapy treatment can also consume this super fruit to replace the drained out glutathione. Your body shouldn’t get lacked of glutathione because this is a powerful antioxidant that can protect your body from free radicals. So don’t let its level getting low by increasing it with avocados during chemotherapy. The antioxidant storage in your body can be supplied properly without stopping your treatment. More than that, they can also prevent many kinds of diseases caused by inflammation.

# Lowering Cholesterol

Cholesterol is mostly caused by saturated fats and your body has the healthy fats to lower its level. Eating avocados can help to boost the healthy fats level since it contains monounsaturated fatty acids and beta-sitosterol. This super fruit is free of sodium and cholesterol making it very appropriate for those who are dealing with this problem.

# Cutting heart Disease Risk

Heart disease is mostly caused by high blood pressure, high cholesterol and inflammation related problems. Since avocado can help to lower the blood triglycerides and cholesterol with its monounsaturated fats, you have fewer problems to be aware of and the risk of getting this harmful disease is reduced as well. Furthermore, the levels of homocysteine, which is also one of the risks when they are getting high, can be regulated by folic acid and vitamin B contained in avocados. A study in 2013 also found that the symptoms of diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease can be reduced by consuming avocado. So this is a good super food to include in your healthy daily meals.

# Treating Osteoarthritis

Avocado is containing anti-inflammatory agent such as fatty acids and phytosterols and they are good in treating osteoarthritis by providing nutrition to the bones and joints.

# Losing Weight

A study proved that avocados are great in keeping you full longer, which is good for a diet plan. The feeling of full can prevent you from eating more calories and get your weight cut bit by bit. You don’t have to worry eating avocados since this is low in carbs, high in fibers and they are surely excellent for helping you losing weight.

# Rich in Potassium

If you think that banana contains the highest potassium, you should upgrade your thought because it is avocado that has higher amount of it. Only 100 grams of avocado can provide 14 percent of the recommended potassium intake while banana only provides 10 percent. Potassium is very beneficial for your health, but many people are lacking of it. You can still eat bananas and sometimes you can add avocados to your meals when you skip your bananas to prevent you from feeling bored eating the same rich-potassium foods.

# Preventing Osteoporosis

Calcium is always known for the best nutrition for bones, but vitamin K is actually that important. Being rich in vitamin K, providing around 25 percent of the recommended intake for your body, avocado can prevent osteoporosis by keeping your bones healthy. Many people think that their bones only need vitamin D and calcium while vitamin K is usually underestimated when it comes to bones health. You do need calcium for your bones and that is why you also need vitamin K since it helps your body absorb calcium better.

# Improving Vision

There are tissues in human’s eyes that should be protected because they are guarding the eyes from damage and ultraviolet, just like antioxidants. Avocado can improve their function using its zeaxanthin and lutein, which can be found about 81 micrograms in an ounce. They are important antioxidants for your eyes as they are preventing some damage caused by degeneration, age and sun. Moreover, the monounsaturated fatty acids in this fruit are great in increase carotenoid absorptions, the required nutrients your vision’s health need that can be also found in this fruit, making avocado comes as a full package of vision-required nutrients.

# Regulating Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a cause of many chronic diseases such as stroke, heart attack and kidney. One of the reasons why blood pressure is getting high is because potassium deficiency. Eating foods rich in potassium will help to regulate your blood pressure. Richer than bananas, potassium amount in avocados is great for keeping your blood normal.

# Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes is dangerous, but it is sometimes undiagnosed. It happens in many cases that people with diabetes don’t realize that they are suffering from this disease because of the lacking symptoms. The feeling of hunger, thirst and urinating frequency increased are some possible diabetes symptoms to be aware of.

Sometimes diabetes can also make you lose some weight without any reasons and causing some problems in your vision. If you are suffering from these symptoms or are already diagnosed with diabetes, eating avocado can help you with the treatment since the oleic acid and monounsaturated fats can improve the function of insulin and lower the levels of triglyceride and blood glucose.

The vitamin C and E in avocados are also effective in strengthening the immune system and lowering the cholesterol oxidation. Also, this potassium-rich fruit is great in maintaining the blood sugar to prevent your diabetes and heart disease. You don’t have to wait till suffering from diabetes to eat avocados because they are nutritional even for healthy people.
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