Commonly associated with fasting, fox nuts are popular as Makhana. Used for centuries as a snack food, fox nuts have myriad benefits. Such is their beneficial properties that the Chinese use as a medicine. Fox nuts help to strengthen the spleen and kidneys.
Almonds, walnuts, cashews and other dry fruits pale in comparison to fox nuts when it comes to nutritional value. Indian cuisine makes ample use of these. They can be had roasted with a sprinkling of spices and condiments to provide a tasty treat.
Lotus seeds also known as convenient snack that contains protein with calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and potassium. The antioxidants are useful to slow the aging process and help to fight inflammation. Chinese medicine use benefit of lotus seeds to treat heart problem and kidneys. These medicine also has ability to calm, address insomnia and diarrhea. In one ounce of raw lotus seeds contain a low-fat and non-cholesterol snack. They offer on healthy by its sugar-free, and improve sluggish appetites as well.
# Anti-aging propertyLotus seed is contains the enzyme of anti-aging, which is L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase. This enzyme helps to repair crushed proteins. That’s why, many cosmetic products are including the seeds in anti-aging properties. The enzymes are supposed to avoid aging and assist to maintain and repair the damaged proteins.
# Prevent inflammationStudies said that lotus seeds containing kaempferol. This natural flavonoid has function to prevent inflammation and help to fix aging tissue.
# Benefit to kidneyLotus seed has astringent formula that has benefit to the kidneys, and help to return vital energy. They work to regulate the energy for body.
# Heal diarrheaAccording to Chinese medicine, the sweet taste of lotus seeds benefit to nourish the spleen and diarrhea. Lotus seed been used in Chinese medicine to reduce diarrhea problem. They also used to increase the spleen health. Some study said that lotus seeds help to strengthen the digestive and reduce diarrhea.
# Treat insomniaThe seeds are claim have calming properties, and are useful to treat restlessness or insomnia. Traditionally, lotus seed was used to cure people with sleeping disorders. This ingredient also known to treats alleviating restlessness. The seed has the calming effects and natural sedative.
# Reducing blood pressureThe embryo which can found inside of the lotus seed, have benefits to the heart because of its bitter and cooling properties. The bitter component that is isoquinoline alkaloids claimed has calming effects and antispasmodic, which can help dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure.
# Treat urinary problemSometime the seed is combined with other ingredient to cure urinary problems like prostatitis and reproductive condition. otherwise, try to find any notice before use this remedies.
# Heal sexual problemA researcher revealed that the seed also used to heal sexual problem and role as an important player on the sperm formation.
# Calming effect
Lotus seeds have antispasmodic and calming effects. It means make relax to your nerves for better sleep. It helps the process of blood vessels dilatation and helps rejuvenated. This is due to presence isoquinoline alkaloids of lotus seeds.
# Relieve pathogenic heatLotus seed has proved through a study which helps in the heart cooling process and relieve the pathogenic heat.