11 Health Benefits of Eating Cucumber Daily

Most people dismiss cucumbers as a fruit or veggie, but actually, they are gourds. These green gourds were first cultivated in India 4,000 years ago. With time, cucumbers have come to be grown in China, Europe, Ancient Greece, Rome, and the New World. Keep reading to learn all about cucumber health benefits.

Nowadays it is where to hear of a country that does not grow or ship them. Some of the best-known findings of cucumbers from the legends of Gilgamesh and Ur. The Greeks called cucumbers sikyon, and they were spread to Africa, Bulgaria, Turkey, and what is now Italy and Serbia.

Cucumber were first used for their health benefits in the Roman Empire that cucumber health benefits were discovered and used, for healing eyes and scorpion bits. The Romans were right in what they were using the cucumbers for, but they were only scraping the surface.

# Antioxidants

Antioxidants, tannins, and flavonoids are useful with so many things and cucumber is a great place to get them from. The antioxidants kill off the free radicals that can lead to and cause cancer and other illnesses. Antioxidants also keep down oxidative stress and the oxidative stress is caused by the free radicals, but these can lead to autoimmune disease and issues in the heart and lungs.

# Weight Loss

Cucumbers are great to be put in salads rather than other higher calories toppings, an 11 ounce cucumber has 45 calories, and cucumbers are mostly water. You can snack on cucumbers (they are tasty for that) or you can add them to salads and even soups as a tasty bonus that does not add very much to your calorie intake if you are trying to cut back.

# Rich in Fiber

Cucumbers hold quite a bit of fiber and fiber can do amazing things for keeping things going smooth. No one likes dealing with constipation and fiber is the best way to keep it at bay. So if you have trouble with or think you might be starting to have trouble with constipation, then try adding some cucumber to your diet.

# Hydration

As it was mentioned in tip two, cucumbers are mostly water, 96 percent water. So while eating cucumber is not nearly as efficient as drinking water, it can still help to keep you hydrated and add further hydration.

# Brain Health

There kinds of anti-inflammatories in cucumber that help the health of your brain. It boosts and protects the nervous cells while strengthening your memory. The thing that is even more important than that, is that these anti-inflammatories can even protect you against Alzheimer’s.

# Anti-Inflammation

Inflammation does more to you than weaken the brain. Inflammation can also make joints hurt and increase congestion. If you can easily get anti-inflammation from cucumber, why not give it go?

# Bad Breath

No one likes bad breath whether they are the one has it or they are the one that is smelling it. No one wins. However, if you regularly eat cucumber, the bad breath will go away because of the antioxidants that have been mentioned. You get a bad breath because of bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria can fix it.

# Heartburn Relief and Sunburn Relief

This one is rather interesting. Eating cucumber can give quick relief and heartburn and applying it to your skin directly can calm skin rashes from hives to sunburn.

# Vitamins

Cucumbers are heavy in vitamin A through C. All of these vitamins can be strengthened by making a smoothie with cucumber, spinach, and carrot. However, the cucumber on its own can help your energy levels and your skin.

# Toxins

Aside from cucumbers helping to get your bowels moving smoothly, they also help to flush other toxins out of your body. Because cucumbers are 96 percent water, they help to get things other than food waste moving. Look for example, it has been found that regularly eating cucumbers can dissolve kidney stones.

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