11 Home Remedies To Treat Brain Fog

Brain fog is not its own medical condition, but instead, it is a symptom of other conditions. It is also known as mental fatigue. It can sometimes challenge school and work, but it does not have to be that severe for you to have it.

As mentioned, brain fog is more of a symptom with symptoms of its own. Brain fog can be caused by a couple things. It can be a result of stress, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, inflammation, medications, diet (and some food allergies), too much caffeine, dehydration, anemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, migraines, refined carbs, autoimmune diseases, and Alzheimer’s.

# Sleep

One of the causes of fog brain is lack of sleep. So one way to get rid of it could just be to get more sleep. Try your best to get the normal eight or nine hours that doctors are always talking about.

# Reduce Sugar and Processed Food Intake

Refined sugars, like artificial sweeteners, are bad for both your weight and can added to the trouble of brain fog. Eating too much sugar can actually make you more sleepy because your body has to do so more to keep with breaking the sugar down. Artificial sweeteners and processed food can make it hard to focus.

However, you do not want your body’s sugar level to get too low as that can also cause brain fog. Try to stick to natural and organic sweeteners like stevia and honey. Eating unprocessed foods can help you to focus and can increase your memory.

# More Protein

Protein is very important to the body because they practically run everything. So if there is a protein deficiency, it means that there is a lack of amino acids. To get more protein, you can eat dairy products, meat, eggs, nuts, beans, and fish.

# Healthy Fats

Normally, fats are bad for your body. In this case, there are healthy fats that can help you in a bunch of different ways. Healthy fats help to build more happiness causing hormones while also fighting inflammation.

Because the healthy fats fight inflammation and make happy hormones, this can also fight the depression that can come with brain fog. The healthy fat you need to do all of this is that omega-3 you always hear about. You can get it from wild-caught fish, nuts and seeds, berries, and grass-fed beef or eggs.

# Exercise

Regular exercise can help to balance hormones, help you to sleep better, and can assist with insulin resistance. Both of these can do amazing things for battling the fatigue that you might suffer through because of brain fog.

# Lower Stress Levels

Too much stress can produce too much cortisol. Cortisol has a way of making you feel hyper but tired at the same time. Cortisol can also mess up hormone balance, causes weight gain, depression, insomnia, and an inability to perform well in bed.

To relax, you can try yoga, deep breathing, exercise, avoid caffeine, and do not eat processed foods. Try meditation or let yourself go and just belt it out along with some of your favorite music.

# Avoid Food Allergens

Different food allergies can affect people in different ways. While this is something that you might have to the doctor for, there are still amazing things that looking into food allergies can do.

If you are against going the doctor for this, there is a way that you can to check yourself, but it is not going to be nearly as exact as it would as if you went to the doctor. To do the food allergy test yourself, you need to keep a food journal of everything you eat and drink. Start with one food group at a time. You need to completely drop the food group and then slowly introduce different foods from the food group. If you start to feel worse again, the food journal will help you to know what food it was that give you so much trouble. If you do not have trouble with that one food group, you can start into the next food group.

# Vitamins B

There are different variations of vitamin B and all of them are special in helping you to feel less sluggish and to feel happier. So eating foods rich in vitamin B or vitamin B supplement pills. The supplements can come in capsules, gels, or just normal pills.

# Diet Changes

It was mentioned that food allergies can cause trouble with brain fog, but there are foods in general that can trigger increased problems with it. Gluten is one of the leading triggers of brain fog. Cutting gluten from your diet can improve verbal fluency, focus, and memory.

Having lots of fat in your diet is not good for you. Omega-3 fatty acids are good, but there lots of other kinds of food that are not nearly as good for you. High-fat diets can make focusing more difficult.

# Music

Music can help you to calm down and stay calm, but it can also help you to stay focus. The ‘rumors’ of classical music helping you to study is not really a myth. When it comes to classical the music can help you focus. Try listening to Mozart the next time you need to focus on a task.

# Water

Water is very important for a lot of things. Water actually makes up 73 percent of the human brain. Dehydration can cause a whole range of problems, one of which is decreased brain function, lack of alertness, lack of concentration, and shortened memory.
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