17 Home Remedies That are Best To Fight Against Common Cold

Colds affect a person for 10 days at maximum and a person feels better almost immediately after the bout of cold symptoms has passed. A loss of appetite usually occurs when one is battling with a cold and it is best to avoid eating and not forcing yourself to eat. Colds can easily be overcome with home remedies and sometimes with the help or advice from a few good hands.

# Avoid Antibiotics

Contrary to beliefs, antibiotics attack bacteria but are not a weapon when battling colds. The antibiotic is no remedy for the cold virus. Having too many antibiotics increases one’s chances of getting antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

# Goldenseal

Goldenseal tackles the immune system to release virus-fighting components. 125ml of goldenseal should do the trick once symptoms begin. Alternatively, add goldenseal to a cup of boiling water and cover for a few minutes. Lemon and honey can be added to enhance the taste.

# Vitamin C

Many of us already know that taking vitamin C is best for flus and colds. Once symptoms appear, vitamin C should be taken at least six times per day. Vitamin C can either be taken in supplement form (as directed on the bottle) or in various foods. Some foods that are naturally high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, and tomatoes. Diarrhea may occur due to vitamin C overdose and precautions ought to be taken with regards to the dosage.

# Lozenges

Zinc gluconate lozenges are best to suck on from the beginning of the cold. These lozenges can be taken daily but one should avoid prolonged use of these throat cures as too much zinc in the body makes one’s immunity weak. Steer clear of lozenges that have citric acid in them as they affect the mineral’s potency.

# Keep Warm

Staying well rested in a warm bed is the root to curing a cold. The rest allows one to savor available energy and use it to battle the flu.

# Head Lift

Performing a head lift while sleeping clears blocked noses. Placing pillows between the mattress and the box spring creates an ideal slope to perform the head lift with ease.

# Blowing Your Nose

This cannot be emphasized enough as keeping the mucus inside makes you feel nightmarish. Blowing too hard sends back the germs to the ear passage which may cause pain in the ears. Holding a finger against one’s nostril whilst blowing the other nostril is the best way to effectively clear the nose.

# Saline Drops

Saline drops take care of any blockages and inflammation in the nasal passage of the nose. This is a great home remedy for any sinus problems in children and adults.

For babies, saline solution is dropped into each nostril and thereafter a bulb syringe is used to get the blocked fluid out of the nose. The bulb should be squeezed and placed in the nostril; thereafter the bulb should be released.

# Heat the Sinus

Heat packs can be purchased or made. To make a heat pack at home, simply heat up a damp cloth in the microwave for about a minute. Once the temperature is perfect it can be applied to the sinus.

# Menthol Salve

Insert a small amount of menthol salve under the nose. The strong aroma of menthol unclogs breathing passages. Scents like camphor and menthol numbs the pain.

# Nose Massage

Studies prove that rubbing the acupuncture spot known as yingxiang found on the bottom border of the nose eases blockage. This is one way to allow easy flow in your passageways.

# Neti pot

The neti pot is a nose-rinsing device that can be bought. The pot contains salt water and can be easily inserted into one nostril while the head is tilted to the other side.

# Use a Humidifier

The humidifier is key in getting rid of congestion and mucus build up. A well-aired space helps with loosening the mucus. Buckets filled with water can be placed near air ducts to help keep rooms moist or the humidifier works wonders too in ensuring a room stays moist.

# Gargling

As researched, gargling helps the release phlegm during colds. The gargling trick can stop upper respiratory tract infections.

# Steam

Use a towel to cover your head when placing it above a bowl of steaming hot water to which thyme oil can be added. Breathe in deeply through your nose.It is important to be cautious not to lower the face too near to the water as the boiling vapors can burn one’s skin.

# Eucalyptus Oil Steam

Inhale the eucalyptus-infused steam whilst closing your eyes. The oil can be an irritant to eyes. It is also good to dab the oil on a tissue and keeps the tissue to the nose to easily help the nose feel less congested.

# Steam- Shower

A hot shower is effective when one breathes in the steam which moisturizes the nose. The ambience of warmth is one that is repellant to common colds.
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