From the territorial seaside territories to all the hilly regions of India, we get abundance of Anantmool in the form of bell (lata). It is of two types of white and black, which is commonly known as Gaurisar and Kalisar. In Sanskrit, it is called white Sariva and Krishan Sariva. Its bell is thin, multi-year, spreading on the ground, climbing trees and 5 to 15 feet long. The branches spread around the black color are thick like the fingers, which are brown in color. The leaves are oval, rectangular, in front of each other, containing 1-4 inch long white stripes, which breaks when the milk gets dissolved.
# HeadacheBeat the root of the Anantmool with water and apply it on the head, the pain will be removed.
# Child HealthMix the root of the Anantmool and equal quantity of baking powder, and consume half a teaspoon with milk in the morning and evening and improves the health of the child.
# Kidney StoneMix 100 grams of Anantmool powder, 50 grams of fennel and 10 grams of cinnamon, and boil it like tea; then filter it and drink it 2-3 times regularly, it will purify blood and will remove many types of skin diseases and stone too.
# BarksMix the Anantmool powder with honey and regularly consume it to get rid of barks.
# Healing The WoundApplying the Anantmool powder on wound, will help healing it very quickly.