Yes you might be thinking that i have gone insane. What i am talking about. Right? You may accept it or not, but watching porn can also be healthy for you. Excess of anything is always harmful, same is the case when you watch it in excess it can be harmful.

1. It`s Healthy
Despite the many, many, many studies claiming that porn is bad for your brain and your relationships, there are just as many studies saying that porn does not cause irrevocable harm to the brain or your sex life—in fact, it might even be kinda good for you.
2. Real is Not Always Possible
Some nights you want to get dolled up, put on a freakum dress, and pretend to be someone who does not eat food out of the garbage long enough to trick a guy into having sex with you, but you don’t always want to put in the kind of effort that involves changing out of your pajama pants.
3. Stress Reliever
Life can be stressful, and from my experience, owning a stress ball does not make the complicated twists and turns any easier to deal with. Sure, practicing a few down-dogs and cobras may have helped me find my center, but just like sex, porn decreases stress as well.
4. Great Relationship
Watching porn with your partner can open both of your minds to new sexual possibilities. My last long-term boyfriend and I did not watch porn together, and once that ended (thank god), I found someone I felt more comfortable enough with, making it easier to communicate and have confidence in our sex-capades.
5.Exploring Sexuality
There’s a reason that the first step in every queer man’s coming out process is looking at pornography: Unless you’re exposed to sexual practices outside of what you’ve been told is acceptable, it’s hard to become comfortable with your own desires or normalize them in your brain. Just as sex ed is how we find out about the mechanics of sex—what goes where—pornography is how many of us begin to figure out how that relates to our sexualities. Pornography is not an ideal replacement for sex ed, but it’s an excellent education as to what’s out there for you to explore.