Flat Stomach is every girl`s dream. We try a lot to get those perfect abs but fail miserably as soon as we soon yummy food. Following the strict gym rule is not possible for everyone, but we can take out some time at home and practice these exercises to get sexy tummy.

This exercise is beneficial for your upper abdomen. Lay on the floor and hold your hands by your ears rather than behind your head to prevent a neck strain. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor. Then lift your shoulders and upper back up and away from the floor with your face pointing toward the ceiling. Exhale as you come up as far as you can, hold for a second, then inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 15-25 times.
Pike and Extend
Lie on the floor with your legs extended over your hips (see the left image). Then crunch up so your hands reach towards your feet. Then bring your arms back overhead while at the same time you lower your left leg towards the floor. Then crunch up again while your hands reach both your toes, but this time when you bring your arms back overhead, lower your right leg towards the floor. Repeat 20 times alternating sides.
Front bridge
This exercise is great for strengthening your core muscles and is also good for the back (read my other post for more great exercises to strengthen your back). Suck your belly button and keep your body as straight as possible without locking your knees. Continue to breathe and don’t hold your breath. Hold yourself in this position as long as you can, then rest. Repeat 2-3 times. Gradually extend the time of holding yourself in the position.
Crunch Chop
Lie on the floor while your legs are over your hips at 90 degrees and your arms are overhead. Take a deep breath, and when you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, and as you crunch up, open your legs so your arms chop through your legs. Repeat this movement for 1 minute.
Side Plank
Lie on your right side while your legs are extended and your feet and hips resting on the floor on top of each other. Your right elbow should be directly under your shoulder as per the illustration. Then contract your core muscles and lift your hips and knees off the floor. Hold for as long as you can and then return to the starting position. Then do the other side and repeat.